“The liver receives blood and can see…” The concept and function of “blood” in traditional Chinese medicine (with voice)

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[This article is: Dr. Peng lectures on “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” series (with audio) – Essence – Part 484. (More exciting content will continue to be updated…)]

“The blood of the deceased is returned to the liver, the liver receives blood and can see, and the feet receive blood and can see Step, the palm receives blood and is able to grasp, and the finger receives blood and can be absorbed. Lying out and the wind blowing, blood coagulating on the skin is paralysis, coagulating in the pulse is weeping, and coagulating in the foot is Jue, these three, blood travels and It cannot be reversed to its emptiness, so it is a paralysis.”——“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine·The Generation of the Five Tibetans”

< span>Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Peng Xin, a Chinese medicine practitioner. Today we will continue to explain the tenth chapter of “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, Su Wen, and Five Tibetan Generations”. Let’s look at the original text first: “It is said that the blood returns to the liver when lying down, the liver receives blood and can see, the feet receive blood and can walk, the palm receives blood and can grasp, and the fingers receive blood and can absorb. When lying down and the wind blows it, the blood coagulates on the skin is paralysis. Those condensed in the pulse are weeping, and those condensed in the feet are Jue, these three, blood flow and cannot be reversed, so it is Bi Jue.”This passage is not difficult to understand from the text. However, there are some terms and terms that need to be explained to you, so let’s take you through it first.

What does “the blood of the dead lie in the liver” mean? If a person lies down, the blood returns to the liver, and the liver stores blood. Therefore, the liver receives blood and can see. The liver opens its orifices to the eyes, and the eyes can see when nourished by the blood. Treated from the liver. If the eyes cannot see clearly, it is considered that the liver blood is insufficient, and the elderly should also supplement the liver blood for the vision loss. The eyes are red to clear the anger, and the herbs such as white chrysanthemum and Qingweizi are used to clear the anger. “The liver receives blood and can see” refers to the mechanism that the liver opens its orifices to the eyes, and the liver stores blood and blood.

Further down, “the feet are blooded and can walk”, that is, the blood of the feet Nourish to walk. “The palm can be grasped by the blood”, the palm refers to the palm, and the palm can only be grasped by the nourishment of blood. The palm of the hand can hold things open and close like this. “Fingers receive blood to be able to ingest”, fingers are nourished by blood before they can take things.

Further down, if the blood is attacked by the external wind, evil and cold, That is, some lesions will appear, which is called “lying out and the wind blows it, and blood coagulates on the skin is paralysis.” This paralysis of insensitivity. What is paralysis? Insensitivity is paralysis, the blood cannot circulate, and this happens when it condenses on the surface of the skin. What kind of situations do we often encounter? (please pay attention to WeChat: pengxinboshi) is facial paralysis, fall asleep in summer, let the electric fan or wind blow, or the air conditioner blows Afterwards, the attack of wind evil is called “lying out and the wind blows it”. After waking up, half of the face can’t move. If you use acupuncture and moxibustion in a superficial manner, pull out some small cups in the local area, and then use the method of moxibustion, it will be better for about a week. The longest one can be cured in two weeks. This is facial paralysis, but it must be treated in time. The current medical method is to infuse fluids, enhance immunity, and anti-virus. This method of treatment can also receive good results. As long as it is easy to handle on the skin surface, it is easy to handle on the skin surface.

and later, it is called “the one who condenses in the pulse is weeping”, and weeping is What’s the meaning? Weeping and weeping, weeping with astringency, jerky and astringent, if the blood coagulation stays in the meridians, it will make the blood run sluggishly. “Those who condense on the feet are Jue”, and when the feet are condensed, the lower limbs will become cold. “These three things, blood flow and cannot be reversed to emptiness, so they are paralysis.” In the above three situations, the first is to condense on the skin surface, the second is to condense on the meridians, and the third is to condense on the surface of the skin. It is condensed on the feet.These three cases are all because the circulation of qi and blood does not reach the acupoints, so this disease will occur. “Kong” The original text of “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” is “empty”, the emptiness of the sky, this place is pronounced as a hole, and the hole with the hole is actually where the blood flows in and out.

We have figured out the overall meaning of this paragraph, and the rest are some specific explanations. “The liver receives blood and can see”, Wang Bing commented as: “It is also used, the eyes are the organs of the liver, so the liver receives blood and can see”. In fact, what I said just now is that the liver opens the eyes to the eyes, so the eyes can see when the liver blood nourishes them. Zhang Jiebin commented: “The liver opens its orifices in the eyes, and when the liver gets blood, the spirit gathers the eyes, so it can see”, in fact, it all means the same thing. The liver is nourished by blood, and the spirit can gather in the eyes, and the eyes can see. . “The liver receives blood to see, the foot receives blood to walk, and the palm receives blood to hold.”“Receive” means to receive nourishment from blood.The following Feet, palms, and fingers refer to this meaning. In Li Dongyuan’s “Spleen and Stomach Theory”, he believes that it is not the liver that receives blood and can see. It should be the eyes that receive blood and can see. We won’t go into details here. All are open. Therefore, we will not carry out the textual research of subtle nouns here. All in all, everyone can understand the whole paragraph.

Further, it is called referring to the blood and being able to take in, and taking is to take the finger Taking things means that the hands can do some fine work. For example, mung beans are scattered all over the ground, and a mung bean is picked up by hand. This is the so-called photographing. Many stroke patients allow them to practice the fine motor function of their fingers when they are recovering. We ordinary people can do many fine movements very well, but some special professions, such as surgeons, especially ophthalmologists, have very high finesse of their hands. Because a small movement under his hand may be a very large movement under the microscope. (please pay attention to WeChat: pengxinboshi) There are also piano players, violin players, etc. The flexibility and sensitivity of these plucked instruments are also Very demanding. This is the so-called photographing.Why does the hand have such dexterity? The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine believes that it is the nourishment of blood. Therefore, it is noted in “Su Wen Wu Notes, Volume 3”: “The reason why people can walk and grasp and grasp is that although they are tied to the tendons, if there is no blood to nourish the tendons, they will be weak and weak, and the feet will be weak. You can’t walk, you can’t hold your hands, you can’t hold your fingers.” Why is it that blood goes to the liver when people lie down at the beginning? Liver and blood have a great influence on the body, especially for the palms, feet and fingers.

This article is: Dr. Peng’s lecture on “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” (with audio) – Essence – Part 1 Four hundred and eighty-four. (More exciting content will continue to be updated…)Disclaimer: This article is for health knowledge sharing. The medicines, prescriptions, acupuncture and various other treatments and health preservation methods involved in this article should be used under the guidance of professional physicians, and should not be used by yourself. We are not responsible for any problems caused by improper use. Copyright Statement: The author of this articlePeng Xin, This article is an original article and may not be reproduced or cited without permission.

(The copyright belongs to the original author, and the relevant legal rights are reserved)

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