Pancreatic cancer is called “the king of cancer”, these 3 predisposing factors should be kept away, or can be prevented

Pancreatic cancer is a relatively common intrapancreatic malignancy because of very insidious onset, rapid progression, and high malignancy, survival rate Because of its short duration, pancreatic cancer is called “the king of cancer”.

If the disease is not treated early, it will lead to the spread of cancer cells. Once in the middle and late stages, even after comprehensive treatment, the 5-year survival rate of patients is less than 1%.

So in daily life, we must do a good job in the prevention of pancreatic cancer. So, what are the causes of pancreatic cancer in patients?

What causes pancreatic cancer?

I. Long-term chronic damage to the pancreas

The cause of pancreatic cancer is not very clear, but it is generally believed that the long-term chronic damage to the pancreas Related.

For example, for people who have suffered from pancreatitis for a long time, if they are not treated early after the disease, the disease will be repeated and persist for a long time, which will damage the function of the pancreas. .

And due to chronic pancreatitis, the gastrointestinal tract will be stimulated, and the overall immune function will be disturbed, thus affecting the body’s metabolic function

strong>, and Endocrine.

Over time, pancreatic ductal epithelial cells are very likely to mutate increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

In addition to pancreatitis, if you have diabetes for a long time and your blood sugar levels are not well controlled, it is very likely to cause pancreatic ductal epithelium >Atypical hyperplasia occurs.

This phenomenon belongs to precancerous lesions, and the probability of developing pancreatic cancer in the later stage is particularly high.

Second, Excessive smoking and drinking for a long time

Long-term heavy smoking is one of the most risk factors for pancreatic cancer.

There are many harmful substances in cigarettes, which will not only endanger the health of the respiratory tract, but also have a greater impact on the digestive tract.

This can lead to chronic damage to the health of the pancreas, making it easy to develop chronic pancreatitis.

In addition, the carcinogens contained in cigarettes can stimulate pancreatic epithelial cells, resulting in abnormal proliferation, which will induce pancreatic cancer. Appear.

For people who drink alcohol for a long time, alcohol is a carcinogen solvent, which can cause cancer Substances enter the pancreas, causing pancreatic tissue to suffer chronic damage.

And with chronic alcohol consumption, the components in alcohol increase the fragility of the pancreatic lysosome, which activates trypsin.

Pancreatic cells undergo chronic injury and abnormal proliferation, which leads to pancreatic cancer.

Three, bad eating habits

Although Poor eating habits do not directly lead to pancreatic cancer, but it is the main factor that induces pancreatic cancer.

For example, in daily life, eating large amounts of animal protein foods and high-fat foods for a long time.

These foods will stimulate the pancreas and promote a large amount of pancreatic juice to secrete, which will increase the burden on the pancreas, and the probability of pancreatitis will be particularly high.

And these foods can affect your overall digestion and burden your pancreas, increasing your chances of developing pancreatic cancer.

All in all, although the cause of pancreatic cancer is unclear, it is related to the above three factors .

In addition, if a large amount ofPeople who drink coffee, or eat some spicy and stimulating foods, and people who are obese are much more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than other groups times.

Therefore, if you want to avoid pancreatic cancer, you must avoid these factors.

In addition, if upper abdominal pain, skin jaundice, loss of appetite, and body weight occur repeatedly in daily life, be sure to go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible. To maintain your own health to the greatest extent possible.