[Super Practical Health Exercises] Traditional Chinese Medicine Body Meridian Health Exercises, Paida the Meridians to Send Health

Shuttlecock exercises have become popular all over the Internet recently, but some elderly people or people with spinal and joint injuries have difficulty adapting to such high Intensive exercise, you might as well try this set of human meridian health exercises – “five nests and one ditch” fitness method, and practice together.

What is “five dens and one ditch”?

The five fossa are the occipital fossa, the clavicle fossa, the axillary fossa, the cubital fossa, and the popliteal fossa, and the first groove refers to the groin. These six areas are the areas where qi and blood of the body’s meridians are easily blocked. Frequently tapping these six areas has the effect of dredging the meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. There is no need to identify acupoints to find acupoints to practice this exercise.

Practicing human body meridian health exercises has the effect of dredging the qi and blood of the meridians of the whole body. You can strengthen the exercise of a certain style according to your actual situation, or you can practice it as a whole. Daily health care can be practiced 1-2 times a day, 120 strokes in each area each time, if the symptoms of sha are obvious, you can wait until the sha subsides before performing the strokes.

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The specific steps of health exercise

Opening style: Rub Lao Gong

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Method: Put your hands together in front of your chest, rub alternately one up and down, and then rub the back and left and right back.

Function: Laogong is located in the palm of the hand. Rubbing the Laogong has the effect of clearing the heart fire, reassuring the spirit, strengthening the heart, and is often used to treat insomnia, Neurasthenia embolism.

Pillow Nest Method

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Location: This fossa is in the back of the brain, the depression below the occipital bone.

Effects: This area is where the Du meridian passes. Often massage and pat this area to dredge the Du meridian and refresh the mind. Helps prevent the occurrence of cerebrovascular disease.

The method of tapping the clavicle fossa

Location: on the clavicle There is a depression area above and below the middle, namely the supraclavicular fossa and the infraclavicular fossa.

Functions: Qupen point of the stomach meridian is located in the supraclavicular fossa, and Zhongfu point of the lung meridian is located in the subclavian fossa. Regular massage, kneading and patting in this area can dredge the Qi and blood of the lung meridian and stomach meridian, and enhance the function of the lung and stomach.

Patting the armpit method

Location: upper limbs and trunk Just below the inside of the junction is the armpit.

Effects: This nest is the most prone to stagnation of liver qi, and it is often massaged and tapped to relieve stagnation and promote qi. Pain relief.

The cubital fossa method

Location: cubital fossa That is, the inside of the elbow, where the upper arm and the lower arm join.

Function: This area is where the lung, pericardium, and heart meridians pass. , to maintain and enhance the role of cardiopulmonary function.

Patting the Popliteal Fossa

Location: This area Behind the knee joint, the area where the thigh joins the calf.

Function: This area is where the bladder meridian qi flows, often pressing, rubbing and beating this area can dredge the bladder meridian qi and blood, and prevent enuresis. , dysuria embolism has a modulating effect.

Patting the groin method

Location: the groin is down Triangular areas on either side of the abdomen, connecting the abdomen and thighs.

Function: This area is where multiple lower limb meridians meet. Frequent tapping on this area will help maintain the smooth flow of qi and blood in the lower limb meridians. It is suitable for Daily conditioning of the elderly with unfavorable lower extremity activities.


Reception: Knock on the Shenque and Mingmen

Location: Shenque The navel, the gate of life is located under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra.

Function: Shenque and Mingmen are the gathering places of the innate true yin and true yang of human beings. Knocking on these two acupoints will strengthen the origin It can also be used for the treatment of consumptive low back pain, enuresis, diarrhea, abdominal pain, impotence, premature ejaculation, red vaginal discharge, irregular menstruation, and prolapse of the anus.

Note: Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific treatment and medication!

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