7 kinds of “aging agents” are hidden in daily food, try to touch them as little as possible!

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Review of this article: Zhu Hongjian, Beijing Jiangong Hospital, Chief Physician

Everyone wants to age slowly, but in life, some “aging agents” are hidden in our diet, which invisibly accelerates the aging speed of various organs.

1Liver “aging agents”:alcohol span>

90% of the oxidative metabolism of alcohol (ethanol) takes place in the liver. The generation of free radicals during ethanol metabolism increases, and the excessive production of free radicals leads to oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is one of the important factors in aging because it damages adipose tissue, DNA, and proteins, which in turn lead to aging-related disease.

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Long-term alcohol abuse can easily damage liver cells and induce various liver diseases. The safest amount of alcohol to drink is 0, not a drop is healthy.

2Cardiac “stimulatorsagers”:trans fats

A study published in JAMA Cardiology in 2017 found that a comprehensive trans fat ban could help reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke. Researchers at the University of Chicago School of Medicine and Yale University School of Medicine compared living conditions in the New York area with those in areas without trans fat restrictions. The study found that three or more years after restrictions were imposed, people living in restricted areas had significantly fewer hospitalizations for heart attacks and strokes than those without restrictions. Comparatively, the difference is about 6.2%.

Trans fats come from two sources, natural and processed. What we need to control is mostly synthetic.

Zhou Lin, Director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Kunming Children’s Hospital, said: “In the ingredient list, artificial vegetable oil, margarine, artificial Cream, shortening, and non-dairy creamer are the more common ingredients, all of which are artificial trans fats.” The health authority stipulates that the daily intake of trans fats per person should not exceed 2.2 grams. Entering will be detrimental to health. Therefore, it is better to eat less snacks, desserts, etc. If you want to eat them, you must check the ingredient list before purchasing.

3Skin “Aging Agents”:Sweet Foods span>

Zou Ying, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Gynecology of Hunan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that many women like sweets, but eating too much sweets is bad for their health. High, excessive sugar intake will accelerate skin aging, make the skin gradually lose its elasticity, and be prone to a lot of wrinkles and pigmentation.

You should limit the intake of added sugar and refined sugar, such as sweet drinks, snacks, biscuits, and glutinous rice. Eat less.

4Stomach “aging agent”:High-salt diet

The high osmotic pressure of salt will cause direct damage to the gastric mucosa, congestion, edema, erosion, ulceration, necrosis A series of pathological changes such as hemorrhage and bleeding can also reduce gastric acid secretion and make the gastric mucosa vulnerable.

Ma Guansheng, director of the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Peking University, said, After eating high concentrations of salt, we will Damage the gastric mucosa, become the “accomplice” of carcinogens, and increase the carcinogenic effect of carcinogens. More than 10 studies conducted in China, Japan, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and the United States have found that high salt and salted foods are risk factors for gastric cancer, which can increase the risk of gastric cancer by 2-6 times . Therefore, usually should be light diet, eat less salted food.

It is recommended to correct the habit of heavy taste; use the flavor of the vegetables to enhance the taste of the dish; use vinegar, lemon juice and other sour sauces to replace part of the salt and soy sauce; opt for low-sodium salt and be wary of invisible salt in seasonings, packaged snacks.


5Esophageal “aging agent”:Hot food< /strong>

Li Shujun, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital, Beijing, said that the surface of the esophagus is covered with delicate mucous membranes, and the temperature of the food has a great influence on it: 10℃ -40°C is the most suitable; 50°C-60°C is barely tolerated; above 65°C, it will cause burns. Don’t think the temperature of 65℃ is very high, a hot dumpling can exceed this temperature. If the temperature of food is too high, it will burn the esophageal mucosa and cause inflammation and necrosis, which may lead to cancer in the long run.

The human body’s “sensitivity” of digestive organs such as the esophagus and stomach is relatively poor. Even if the esophagus is scalded, it is difficult for the human body to feel it. Even if there is a small lesion, it is not easy for us to detect. Therefore, the most suitable temperature for eating is neither cold nor hot, our lips can just feel it is warm, which is the most suitable. When you usually eat, don’t be too anxious, put it aside, let it cool down, sip it with your mouth, and then enter it when you feel it is not hot.

6Intestinal “aging agents”:Improper diet

Wang Xiaojun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology at Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that the “intestinal age” of normal people is not much different from their biological age, but with age, life and work Increased stress, coupled with improper diet, reduces the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, while the harmful flora continues to increase, which eventually leads to intestinal flora imbalance and “aging” of intestinal function.

In the outpatient department of gastroenterology in some hospitals in Wuhan, young women treated for constipation accounted for half of the patients, and a considerable number of patients had intestinal Dao function appeared aging. Wang Xiaojun said that the gastrointestinal tract is an important organ for digestion and absorption in the human body, and its peristalsis requires regularity. Many young people have a partial eclipse, excessive dieting, unscientific weight loss, alcoholism, smoking, and excessive staying up late. This method brings great burden and irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in its “gut age” much exceeding the actual age.

It is recommended to eat regularly to ensure dietary fiber intake, one pound of vegetables and half a catty of fruits every day, and one-third of the staple food is coarse grains.

7Lung “aging agent”:Kitchen fumes

Tao Xincao, a physician from the Second Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, said that the impact of kitchen fumes on people has affected the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and throat since childhood. Strong stimulation can cause rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, and long-term inhalation of oil fume can also lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In severe cases, it may also cause symptoms such as loss of appetite, upset, lack of energy, lethargy, fatigue and weakness, which is medically known as lampblack syndrome.

You can’t just turn on the range hood when cooking, it’s better to open the kitchen window at the same time. Turn on the cooker hood for another 10 minutes after cooking. Usually you can eat stewed and mixed vegetables, but not stir-fry, because as long as you cook, there will inevitably be a lot of oily smoke. Be sure to fry the vegetables, and the oil temperature can be controlled at 5~60% hot. That is, after the oil is put into the pot, take a small piece of onion skin and throw it into the pot. If there are many bubbles around the onion skin, put the ingredients in the pot before the color changes. In addition, clean the range hood filter once a month to avoid affecting the effect of range hood.

Source: Health Times

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