There is a circle of fleshy bumps below, is it all the fault of “papapapa”?

Author: Guo Dongxia /p>

Source: Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel

Condyloma acuminatum and pseudo-condyloma, silly and unclear

The Qixi Festival coincides with my outpatient duty, and I thought to myself, such a happy and romantic day, there will be no young people coming! Just thinking about it, a fashionably dressed girl in her early twenties rushed in, followed by a young man walking with his head drooping. The little girl shouted at me angrily: “Doctor, please check it out for me quickly, I suspect he is messing around outside, passing on me a messy disease, and itching and growing under me. Little pimple. I’m just his boyfriend, if it’s a venereal disease, I won’t beat him to death!” Looking at the girl who was furious and losing her temper at her boyfriend, I quickly comforted her and sat down. Her boyfriend also quickly explained helplessly: “Doctor, please help her take a look, I really didn’t mess around, and she has only one girlfriend, and I don’t know why there are so many burrs under her.” The little girl immediately refuted him: “You didn’t mess around, why are those things growing under me? I read it online, and it’s condyloma acuminatum! You’ve made me miserable.” Then she burst into tears… …After listening to them, I probably knew what the girl was suffering from. So, he first asked his boyfriend to go out to wait, and then asked about his medical history in detail. The little girl has been living with her boyfriend for nearly 4 years, and this is the only boyfriend. She likes to wear some tights, shaping pants, and has a lot of leucorrhea. She has never been to a regular medical institution for examination and treatment. Buy some medicine at the pharmacy when you feel comfortable. I asked the little girl to go to the toilet to urinate first for follow-up examination. Call the boy in and ask him if he has a history of bad sex. The boy’s face was flushed with anxiety, and he denied it, he almost swore that there was only one girlfriend. It appears that neither of them has a history of dirty sex or multiple sexual partners. After the girl lay on the examination bed, she did see a row of dense warts on the inside of her labia minora, which were arranged symmetrically and neatly like villi, soft and smooth; but in the vagina, around the anus, the cervix, and the urethra. There is no exception. Although at first glance, it really looks like the early manifestations of condyloma acuminatum, but after careful inspection, it is found that it is not a papillary or cauliflower-like growth like condyloma acuminatum. It is brittle and bleeds when touched. So I initially judged it to be pseudo-condyloma, and took the secretions for testing.

They both breathed a sigh of relief when I said it was not a sexually transmitted disease, but they were still a little worried. So I asked them to go to the dermatology department for further examination, which was consistent with my examination results, which were pseudo-condyloma, no special treatment needed. When they came back to the hospital to see the results of leucorrhea, the two had already reconciled, and I jokingly said to the little girl: this time, don’t doubt your boyfriend anymore! The two were embarrassed to laugh, took the medicine for vaginitis, and went back sweetly holding hands! Pseudo condyloma and condyloma acuminatum have similar symptoms. So, how to distinguish these two diseases and avoid talking about wart discoloration, causing unnecessary panic and tension, Dr. Xiao Guo teaches you a few tricks.


HistoryCondyloma acuminatum caused by human papillomavirus< span>(HPV)a sexually transmitted disease caused by infection, with high risk factors: (2) Immunosuppression: Chronic immunosuppression leads to HPV infection, such as renal allotransplantation; (3) HIV infection: HIV positive causes HPV infection and HPV infection The probability of related tumors increases;(4) Age and pregnancy: The HPV infection rate is high in the 20-40 year olds, and decreases steadily with age; the HPV infection rate during pregnancy and postpartum decreases.

Pseudo condyloma is not contagious, nor is it transmitted through sexual contact. The disease is more common in young women and can occur in unmarried or married people. It is related to candida infection, more secretions, frequent sexual life, and long-term chronic non-specific stimulation.


See the performanceThe symptoms of condyloma acuminatum are local itching and pain, and few patients have no symptoms. symptom. The growth sites include the vulva, vagina, cervix and perianal region. It is common for the two sites to occur at the same time. The local manifestations are small reddish or gray papules with verrucous protrusions, which often merge to form cauliflower-like vegetations, which grow more and more. Pseudo-condyloma are generally asymptomatic, some are itchy locally, more often the labia minora are symmetrically distributed on both sides, and rarely occur at the same time at both sites, the lesions are caviar-like or pearl-like papules, and some are polyps Like, fluffy, not fused, not longer and longer.

Left: Condyloma acuminatum, Right: Pseudo condyloma acuminatum/Picture source: Public account” /span>


Check1. In the acetowhite test, 3-5% acetic acid is used to coat the wart body, the condyloma acuminatum lesions will turn white and slightly bulge, while the pseudo-condyloma will not turn white.2. HPV detection of condyloma acuminatum is common in HPV6 Type 11 and HPV type 11 are positive, and HPV types 16 and 18 are rare. Pseudo condyloma is generally negative for HPV.3. Skin biopsy of condyloma acuminatum generally has the characteristic histopathological changes of HPV infection of concave cells , more diagnostic significance.Through these methods, coupled with the diagnosis of specialists, the two diseases can basically be distinguished. Pseudo condyloma basicdoes not cause any function Obstacles and no infection, so there is no need to have too much psychological burden, you can work and live as usual, and do not need drug treatment, you only need to keep your genitals clean and dry.

For us, condyloma acuminatum is scary, which can be prevented through the following ways: 1. Resolutely put an end to unclean sexual behavior: Condyloma acuminatum is mainly through sexual contact Transmission, one party is infected, it can be transmitted to the other party through sexual life, and it may also be transmitted to family members through close life contact, which not only brings physical pain, but also causes family conflicts; not only costs money, but also mental pressure, so both men and women can To prevent sexual disorder.2. Avoid contact infection: Do not wear other people’s underwear or swimwear, try not to use bathtubs, and advocate showers; avoid public baths and hot springs that are not hygienic ;Practice hand hygiene.3. Pay attention to personal hygiene: Wash the vulva, change the underwear every day, and wash the underwear separately. It is best for family members to have one pot and one towel per person. What should I do if I am unfortunately infected with condyloma acuminatum? 1. First of all, we must eliminate fear, go to regular hospitals for diagnosis and treatment, and do not believe in small advertisements, publicity and treatment in private clinics. 2. Conduct a comprehensive examination of the diagnosed patient and sexual partners, and treat if related diseases are found. 4. Patients with condyloma acuminatum should refrain from sexual activity during treatment. After treatment, after the damage of condyloma acuminatum subsides, there is no recurrence and no new sexual intercourse, condoms should be strictly used to prevent infection, and the frequency of sexual life should be controlled. 5. During the treatment, pay attention to rest, relax, avoid excessive tension and fatigue; strengthen nutrition, eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins, and increase resistance. 6. Do a good job of self-hygiene and keep the affected area clean and dry. Use daily necessities alone, especially underwear, towels, washbasins, etc., and do a good job of disinfection to prevent infection. 7. After pregnant women suffer from condyloma acuminatum, in order to avoid infection of the fetus during delivery, cesarean section can be selected. Do not bathe in the same basin with your baby after giving birth. Finally, I would like to remind everyone again that condyloma acuminatum is not a beast. As long as everyone understands and pays attention to it correctly, infection and infection can be avoided; only through standardized treatment can the disease be eliminated! Source:Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel

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