Yuehu District Bureau held the 2022 business training meeting on monitoring of adverse reactions of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics and the promotion meeting of “5.25” skin care day publicity activities

In order to further strengthen the adverse reactions of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics Incident reporting and monitoring work, improve the ability and level of adverse reaction reporting, and ensure the safety of medication, equipment and makeup. On May 26, Yuehu District Bureau held the 2022 Business Training Meeting on Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics and “5” ·25 “Skin Care Day Promotion Meeting, more than 30 people from the two products and one equipment operating units in the region attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Conduct training on the reporting process of equipment and cosmetics adverse reports (events), report common problems, and answer questions on the spot for trainees.

Meeting requirements
All medical institutions should implement their main responsibilities. , conscientiously sort out the internal work quality management system, find deficiencies in time, and make rectification; Second, pay attention to the use of reports, carefully collect and analyze each adverse reaction report, and find out the reasons for the occurrence of adverse reactions in time , continue to implement improvement measures, and realize the effective use of monitoring data; Third, we must do a good job of reporting adverse reaction events, investigate risks in a timely manner, avoid risks, resolve risks, and ensure the safety of medical devices.

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This training further strengthened the management level of reporting and monitoring personnel, improved legal awareness and responsibility awareness, and laid a solid foundation for the effective development of drug, cosmetic adverse reactions, medical device adverse events and supervision in the future. a solid foundation.

Author: Lai Mengting

Editor: Ye Zixuan

Review: Wang Shengfeng

Issue: 2022 Issue 70

[Source: Yingtan Yuehu Market Supervision]

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