Do you use toothpaste and sesame oil after burning? wrong! The correct first aid steps are…

Recently, the news that “grandmother boiled rat oil to treat her grandson’s scald infection and sent the child directly to the ICU” has been trending on Weibo. For a time, the earthwork such as the oil that the mouse boiled and the stove ash were criticized by netizens. However, at the same time, such as rubbing soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, toothpaste, etc. are still recognized by many people. The doctor of Beijing 120 Emergency Center introduced that these folk remedies are actually unreliable and can easily cause secondary damage to the skin.

Burns and scalds damage the skin first, with mild skin swelling, blisters, and pain; severe skin burns, and even damage to blood vessels, nerves, and tendons at the same time. The respiratory tract may also be burned. Factors such as severe pain and skin exudation from burns can lead to shock, infection, sepsis, and even life-threatening conditions.

If a small area of ​​superficial scald occurs on the hands and feet, rinse with cold running water and apply scalding cream. If the face or forehead is burnt, you can take turns applying a cold compress with several towels. Children with severe burns on a large area should be placed in a supine position on the way to the hospital, and should not be held upright. You can give the child some light salt water to prevent dehydration.

In life, there are all kinds of scald remedies that I believe everyone has heard of, or even tried. Such as toothpaste, balm, ice and so on. However, regardless of whether toothpaste or oil is applied, they are all hindering heat dissipation, and toothpaste and oil are “foreign bodies” to the human body, which can easily cause wound pollution, aggravate scars, and affect wound healing.

The following are some common misconceptions about burns:

1 Misunderstanding 1: Apply toothpaste and soy sauce on the wound Applying toothpaste is not beneficial and will increase the difficulty of wound recovery. Applying soy sauce will aggravate dehydration and damage to the wound surface. The color covers the wound surface, and also affects the doctor’s judgment on the wound surface.

2 Misunderstanding 2: Apply colored potion after scalding Red potion is a tincture containing 2% red mercury and 98% alcohol or water. It can be used as a fungicide. It contains heavy metal mercury, and the sterilization effect is poor. The purple potion will form a layer of scab on the scalded wound, which will cover up the condition of the wound. The color of the potion will also affect the judgment of the scalded wound.

3 Misunderstanding 3: Use ice cubes instead of flowing water for ice compresses The skin tissue after burns has no epidermal protection and becomes more fragile, and direct ice compresses are more likely to frost the skin.

Next, the Beijing 120 emergency doctor will introduce the correct first aid steps after burns and scalds: Rinse-de-bubble-cover-delivery.

The first step – flushing

Gently rinse the burnt or scalded area with clean running cold water for about 10-30 minutes , cold water can quickly dissipate heat to reduce damage to deep tissue.

If the pain is severe, the soaking time can be extended. If cold water is not available, use a harmless cold liquid instead. Ordinary tap water contains very little bacteria and can be used without worrying about possible infection. If there is no running water, well water and river water can also be used. Do not apply herbs, toothpaste, vinegar, soy sauce, salad oil, etc. to the wound, as such items may cause bacterial infection of the wound and may increase the depth of the burn.

Second step – take off

After a thorough rinse, carefully remove the clothing in cold water . Clothes can be cut with scissors, but never forcibly strip any clothing to avoid breaking the blisters. Because the blister epidermis has the function of protecting the wound surface in the early stage of burn, it can relieve pain and reduce exudation. Since the area and adjacent areas will swell after the burn, it is necessary to remove rings, watches, belts, shoes or other tight clothing before the wound is swollen, so as to prevent the swollen limbs from being removed, resulting in poor blood flow and more serious symptoms damage.

Step 3 – Soak

For those with severe pain, soak in cold water for 10 to 30 minutes. At this time, the main role is to relieve pain, and flushing in the very early stage of burns can reduce the degree of burns, which is very important. However, for large-area burn patients, children and the elderly, attention should be paid to the soaking time and water temperature to avoid excessive drop in body temperature.

Step 4 – Cover

If the burn is severe, use a clean or sterile gauze or cotton cloth to cover the area. wound and fix it. This reduces external pollution and irritation, helps keep the wound clean and relieves pain. For facial burns, it is advisable to adopt a sitting or semi-recumbent position. Cut holes in the mouth, nose, eyes, ears and other parts with a clean and sterile cloth and cover the face.

Step 5—Send

Sent to the hospital immediately for further formal treatment.


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(Source: Beijing Youth Daily)

Editor-in-chief: Liu Qian

Editor of this issue: Wang Ke (internship)

This issue Proofreading: Chen Bingran