Diabetic patients learn these 6 self-protection methods, which will not only stay away from the new crown virus, but will not aggravate the condition of diabetes

Just like diabetes cannot be cured, it can only be controlled. The new coronavirus cannot be eliminated but can only be controlled. The prevention and control of the new crown epidemic has become normalized.

We cannot predict how many more nucleic acid tests will be required, and the area where we live may also be blocked or controlled in the future.

Under the premise of environmental changes, diabetic patients must learn to live with the new coronavirus, except < span>To do a good job in the daily prevention and control of the new coronavirus, we also need to learn how to ensure the stability of the diabetes condition and our own safety when the epidemic prevention and control situation is severe.

This article tells you 6 methods.

3 facts about the coronavirus and diabetes< /strong>

1. High prevalence

Patients with diabetes, especially those with poor blood sugar control, are more likely to contract the new coronavirus than the general population.

2. Once infected with the new coronavirus, the condition is serious

< p>Patients with diabetes who are infected with COVID-19 are at high risk of severe infection and death.

3. Affecting lives

Due to the lockdown or control of the epidemic, the lifestyle changes of diabetic patients, such as restricted activities, affected diet, emotional anxiety, difficulty in seeking medical treatment, etc., may all lead to increased blood sugar , aggravating diabetes.

Based on the above 3 points, During the epidemic, diabetic patients must learn to protect themselves, so as to stay away from Covid-19 without aggravating diabetes.

The epidemic is normalized, 6 self-protection methods for diabetic patients

1. Do not worry about hyperglycemia

In the event of epidemic control, lifestyle changes will inevitably cause blood sugar fluctuations, and occasional blood sugar rises will not cause great harm to the human body. There is no need to worry too much, let alone increase the dose blindly.

Drug-induced hypoglycemia can cause great harm to the human body, ranging from palpitation, tremors, sweating, coma or even death.

At this point, what we need to do isto adjust ourselves as soon as possible to make our blood sugar as fast as possible calm down.

2. Learn 1-2 home exercise methods

Many people with diabetes have the habit of exercising outdoors, but not at home. In the event of an epidemic lockdown, reducing the amount of exercise will cause blood sugar to rise.

It is recommended that diabetic patients learn 1-2 home-based exercise methods in advance, such as Standing, skipping rope, yoga, various strength exercises such as kneeling push-ups, push-ups, dumbbell exercises< /span> (can be replaced with a mineral water bottle), etc.

3. 3 taboos on diet< /strong>

Don’t deal with it, what to eat, this will be because Unbalanced diet affects blood sugar control;

two avoid overeating, so Will increase blood sugar due to increased diet;

Thirdly avoid eating whenever you want, this will affect the secretion of insulin, affect the effect of the drug, and cause the blood sugar to rise.

The above are the three dietary mistakes that diabetics are most likely to make in the face of epidemic control.

Even at home due to the pandemic, people with diabetes still need to eat as usual.

4. Make sure you have enough medicines at home span>

We don’t know if positive cases will come outNow all around us, it is important to have a full supply of medicines one week before you run out of medicines to be prepared. It will not aggravate the condition of diabetes due to sudden closure and control leading to discontinuation of the drug.

If there is really no medicine at home and you can’t go out to seek medical treatment, you can entrust relatives, friends and neighbors to buy it on your behalf. medicine, and have a kit ready in case you buy the wrong one.

If medicines cannot be obtained in time, the dosage of oral medicines or insulin can be appropriately reduced in a short period of time, and the consumption of fast-rising foods (such as refined staple foods) can be reduced. , fruits with high sugar content), increase the intake of fish, meat, eggs and milk, increase the amount of activity, and find ways to purchase medicines as soon as possible.

5. If symptoms of diabetes worsen, seek medical attention immediately

When the following symptoms occur:Itchy and numb skin, vision loss, rapid weight loss, sudden edema or proteinuria, high blood sugar No less, hypoglycemia 1-2 times a week, and smell of rotten apples in the breath.

If the symptoms of hypoglycemia cannot be relieved or worsened after eating sugary foods (such as juice, glucose tablets), you need to seek medical attention in time.

If the local control is strict, you need to contact the neighborhood committee first to assist in arranging medical treatment.

When seeking medical treatment, please consult your attending doctor to see if there is an online follow-up channel. If so, it can reduce the time and cost of medical treatment.

6. Learn to self-regulate your emotions

< span>During the severe epidemic prevention and control situation,emotional anxiety is a normal phenomenon, and diabetic patients should learn to self-regulate, Because bad emotions can easily lead to insomnia and elevated blood sugar, high blood sugar will lead to low immunity and more likely to complicate infection.

Adjustment methods include:Communication with family and friends; Do something you like, cook a good meal, read a good book, etc.; sweating while exercising can also help regulate your emotions.

Let’s take care of our bodies and welcome the day when the new coronavirus is eliminated!

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Author: Zhu Junping