Once the intestine is damaged, it is related to a variety of diseases! These common bad habits are still too late to change…

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Experts in this article: Zheng Jiatang (CHENG KT), Peking University School of Medicine (General Practice) Master of Medicine)

Review of this article: Meng Qingcheng, chief physician of general surgery at Beijing Aerospace Center Hospital (Peking University Aerospace Clinic School of Medicine), associate professor at Peking University, the third batch of health science experts in Beijing, MD

annualMay 29is the World Gastroenterology World Gut Health Day sponsored by the Gastroenterology Organization (WGO).

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You must know that the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in my country have been on the rise in recent years, and colorectal cancer has become the second most common cancer in China. High (second only to lung cancer) cancer. According to the latest data released by the National Cancer Center in 2022, there were 408,000 new cases of colorectal cancer in China in 2016, with an incidence of 295,100/100,000, and 195,600 deaths and a mortality rate of 14.14/100,000. .

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Today,#woman with blood in stool for 1 year was diagnosed with colorectal cancer#, #a family of 10 with 7 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer# and many other related topics have rushed to the hot search on Weibo, arousing people’s great attention.

So, let’s learn about gut health It’s about “gut knowledge”.

How important is gut health?

The gut consists of the large intestine, which includes the cecum, appendix, colon, rectum, and anal canal, and the small intestine, which includes the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Disease classification includes infection, inflammation, tumor, immune, dysfunction, etc.

If different parts of the intestine are arranged and combined with disease classification, a variety of intestinal diseases will be derived spectrum. For example, enteritis, intestinal polyps, colorectal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. are well-known common diseases.

It’s important to note that the gut is connected to the body’s overall healthy blood vessels. Intestine is a “nutrient supply station” for digestion and absorption. The nutrients absorbed by the intestine are the raw materials and power to maintain the metabolism of various organs in the body.


The gut is the largest immune organ in the human body. There are normal parasitic bacteria on the order of trillions in the intestinal tract. Together with the countless lymphocytes in the intestinal wall, it is the duty of “health gatekeeper” to work together to resist pathogens, toxins, allergens, carcinogens and other foreign substances in food. aggressor. When the immune barrier function of this “outpost” is compromised, there is an increased risk of infection, inflammation, and damage to various tissues throughout the body, including the gut.

Studies show that the decreased diversity of intestinal flora may also be associated with inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis Arthritis, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, atopic eczema, celiac disease, obesity, arteriosclerosis, neuropsychiatric diseases, etc.

What are the warning signs of colorectal cancer?

Risk factors for colorectal cancer include family history of colorectal cancer, improper lifestyle and diet (excessive intake of red and processed meat, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption), disease (diabetes , obesity, inflammatory bowel disease), etc.

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Early colorectal cancer can be asymptomatic, which is not easy for doctors and patients It can be seen at a glance, but may also cause some warning signs: Changes in bowel habits or stool characteristics (increased stool frequency, thin stools, bloody stools, mucus stools), local abdominal symptoms (abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal mass), systemic symptoms (anemia, fatigue, low-grade fever, weight loss).

What habits are destroying our guts?

“Disease comes from the mouth”, and it is the gut health that bears the brunt of poor eating habits. Unclean diet and overnight dishes may contain high concentrations of pathogenic bacteria, which can easily cause intestinal infections.

Foods high in sugar, high fat (especially saturated and animal fat), high in Protein foods (especially after frying) and pickled foods are prone to produce carcinogenic metabolites. A 50-gram increase in the daily intake of processed meat and a 100-gram increase in the daily intake of red meat were associated with a 16% increase in the risk of colorectal cancer , 12%.

Diet low in dietary fiber can cause intestinal flora imbalance and increase intestinal toxins Or the contact time of carcinogens with the intestinal mucosa.

All tissues and organs of the human body need to take their metabolites from a balanced diet. The metabolism of intestinal cells also needs to absorb and store a variety of nutrients to meet their own needs. People who are picky or partial for a long time (such as frequent intake of spicy and spicy food), irregular diet or improper diet (replacing staple food with snacks) are prone to malnutrition, constipation or diarrhea, Colic, so this group of people is also prone to intestinal health problems.

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Smoking, alcohol consumption, and lack of physical activity may also negatively affect the gut flora of healthy individuals, Caused to reduce the diversity of intestinal flora. Disturbance of gut flora can also cause disorder of glucose and lipid energy metabolism and cause obesity, and obesity is related to a variety of intestinal diseases such as colorectal cancer.

Long-term antibiotic use, alcohol abuseIt may also break the dynamic balance between intestinal probiotics, opportunistic pathogens, and harmful bacteria, causing intestinal flora imbalance and reducing intestinal defense function.

How to maintain gut health?

Active treatment of intestinal diseases, regular work and rest, maintaining a healthy weight, not abusing antibiotics and other drugs or health care products, quitting smoking and drinking, and maintaining an optimistic and positive mood are the key to maintaining intestinal health. basic premise.

At the same time, reasonable physical exercise and taking aspirin are protective factors for colorectal cancer, but any drug use The benefits and risks need to be balanced, and routine medication is not recommended for the general population.

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Although picky eating behavior in the traditional sense is not advocated, we can becomealternative sense” Picky Eaters” – choose healthy foods, choose good eating habits:

Avoid eating unclean and spoiled food, and reduce the intake of overnight meals;

Maintain a proper diet structure, ensure the intake of dietary fiber (fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains), and reduce the intake of red meat, cured products, high-salt and fried foods Intake, dairy intake is also a protective factor for colorectal cancerwhite.

In addition, even if life is hectic and anti-epidemic, reasonable arrangements for health assessment and screening .

According to the recommendations of the 2021 “Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis and Treatment in China”, the general population The risk assessment of colorectal cancer should start at the age of 40, and the low- and high-risk groups should receive colorectal cancer screening between the ages of 50 and 75 and between the ages of 40 and 75, respectively. Colonoscopy is the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening. Other screening methods include fecal occult blood test, sigmoidoscopy, CT examination, etc.

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