The most popular search! A family of 10, 7 people were diagnosed with the same cancer! These few things you often do, stop!

Colorectal Prevention, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital >Have seen 10 households from 1 family in Beijing, and 7 people were diagnosed with colon cancer Intestinal cancer has familial inheritanceThe earliest clinical screening case was a 19-year-old college student

In most people’s minds

only in the face of lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer

A feeling of being on the verge of an enemy.

However, “ignored” does not mean it is often ignored.

Not serious

according to @CCTV news

from Ms. Yang from Gansu, 55 years old this year

before she went to the hospital for examination

has had blood in stool for more than a year

At first, Ms. Yang had been taking medicine at home

It didn’t get better before she went to the hospital for examination

diagnosed with early colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer that is not “hidden”

Contrary to everyone’s previous perception, cancers that occur in the intestine are not uncommon .

According to relevant information:

July 2021 In January, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) projected the global cancer burden over the next 50 years.

By extrapolating the evolution of the incidence of different cancers from 2018 to 2070, the researchers found:

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If there are no other effective measures to curb, the incidence of colorectal cancer may increase from 1.8 million new cases per year to 4.7 million cases per year by 2070. Tops all cancers!

If we turn our attention to China, according to public data, the proportion of colorectal cancer patients in my country in the world is as high as 31% , while my country’s total population only accounts for about 17% of the world’s total!

A cancer stared at over 40?

Colorectal cancer loves 6 types of people


The risk groups of colorectal cancer are mainly divided by age, especially those who meet the following 6 conditions, are the key screening groups:< /span>

  1. People over 40 years old with anorectal symptoms for two weeks.

  2. Immediate relatives with a family history of colorectal cancer.

  3. Population after treatment for colorectal adenoma.

  4. Patients with chronic ulcerative colitis.

  5. Population after colorectal cancer surgery.

  6. Asymptomatic people over 50 years old.

01The culprit: eating too much


With the improvement of residents’ living standards, in recent decades, people’s daily diet has gradually changed from rough to fine.

The problem of “three highs and one low” generally exists in people’s diets at present, that is, high fat, high protein, high calorie and low fiber .

The less cellulose in the diet, the slower the intestinal peristalsis, and the longer the metabolic toxins stay in the intestinal tract. It increases the burden on the intestinal tract, and also increases the chance of carcinogens coming into contact with the intestinal tract, increasing the risk of cancer.

02The second culprit: smoking and drinking habits

< span>Statistical studies have found that smokers have a 1.27 times higher risk of colorectal cancer than non-smokers; while those who consume more than 45 grams of alcohol per day have a 1.5 times higher risk of colorectal cancer.

03The third culprit: sedentary

In the past, I had to do everything by myself, but now even the housework is helped by various machines, and the amount of activities is getting less and less. In addition, many people are inevitably sedentary during work and study.

All of these make the intestinal and gastric peristalsis weaken and slow down, and metabolic wastes and harmful components are easily retained in the colon, which stimulates the intestinal mucosa.

In addition, sitting for a long time will also make the blood circulation of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, and lumbosacral region poor, resulting in the decline of intestinal immune barrier function and the risk of colon cancer. higher.

04Fourth culprit: stress

from The stress in life makes many people in irritability, impatience, anxiety, tension, worry, depression and other emotions.

Excessive psychological stress can lead to bowel dysfunction and increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

05The fifth culprit: procrastination

Generally speaking, it takes 10 to 15 years for bowel cancer to develop.

Among them, the 5-year survival rate of early colorectal cancer exceeds 90%, and the 5-year survival rate of metastatic colorectal cancer is only 14% !

Unfortunately, in our country, due to lack of screening awareness, most patients are found at an advanced stage!

Because the incidence of colorectal cancer in my country began to increase from the age of 40, and showed a significant upward trend since the age of 50.

Doctors recommend that you start from age 40 You should receive a risk assessment for colorectal cancer, and you can choose an appropriate screening program based on your assessment results.

usually, such asif the regularity of defecation changes, such as frequent or significantly reduced frequency, alternating constipation and diarrhea , Unexplained anemia, blood in the stool, weight loss and abdominal mass, etc., should go to a regular hospital for a definite diagnosis.


Prevention of bowel cancer most needed Note – intestinal polyps.

Because 80% of colorectal cancers evolve from polyps. It takes 3 to 5 years for polyps to become cancerous. If treatment can be performed before canceration, it can be effectively prevented.

To prevent bowel cancer, eat more of these foods 01Green leafy vegetables

UK Nature Chemical Biology A study published in the journal found that eating more green leafy vegetables can consume a lot of SQ sugar, which provides nourishment for intestinal probiotics such as E. coli strains, and the presence of these probiotics is beneficial to intestinal health.


Medical studies have shown that The probiotics rich in yogurt can not only promote intestinal health, but also stimulate intestinal peristalsis, increase the wetness of feces, and shorten the residence time of feces in the colon, thereby preventing constipation.

Having a bowel movement every day is one of the most important ways to avoid bowel problems.

03 whole grains

such as taro, potato Foods rich in dietary fiber, such as sweet potatoes, can not only promote intestinal peristalsis and speed up fecal excretion, but also inhibit the activities of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract, which is conducive to the stability of the intestinal micro-ecological environment.

04 Magnesium-containing foods

research-proven , When magnesium intake is greater than 255 mg/day, the risk of colorectal cancer can be reduced by 13% to 22%.

In common foods, nuts, seafood, whole grains and green leafy vegetables are high in magnesium content.

However, although nuts are rich in magnesium, healthy adults should eat about 10 grams a day, which is equivalent to a small amount. Eat more, the variety can often be changed to eat.

When cooking dark green vegetables, do not add too much vinegar to avoid exacerbating the loss of magnesium.

Tips: Distinguishing Hemorrhoids from Colon Cancer Hemorrhoids

hemorrhoids Blood in the stool is caused by the friction of the dilated blood vessels by the feces.

The blood of colorectal cancer is caused by the brittle and soft bleeding of the cancer tissue. There will be a feeling of uncleanness.

Source: Weibo, I am a big doctor official WeChat, Life Times, Health Times, etc.

  Editor·Cai Cai