Don’t miss this dish in summer, it has high vitamin E content, delays aging and reduces three highs, and blood vessels are not blocked

Eggplant, a common vegetable, only 2 yuan per jin , But, do you know how high the nutritional value of eggplant is? The content of vitamin E per 100 grams of eggplant is as high as 150 mg, which can prevent bleeding and delay aging; the content of vitamin P in eggplant is very high, and the vitamin is as high as P750 mg per 100 grams, which has a protective effect on microvessels, increases the elasticity of microvessels, and prevents microvessels. Bleeding from rupture has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia and hypertension; in addition, vitamin C and saponin contained in eggplant fiber have the effect of lowering cholesterol.

Eggplant whether it is fried, fried, fried or steamed , roasted, cold salad, boiled, stewed, my family loves to eat it. Eggplant is a delicacy that is often eaten on the table. Today, I will share a new method of eggplant. It is fried together with eggs. There is no meat, but it is better than meat. Oil, let’s take a look at the specific method with the town’s small workers.

【Eggplant with Eggplant】

1, 1 A purple eggplant with skin is first cut into thin slices, then cut into filaments, cut and soaked in water to prevent oxidation and blackening, and control the moisture before placing in the pot.

2. Beat 1 egg and put it in Stir a little bit of oil.

3. Put the eggplant in the hot pot directly Stir fry over medium heat, stir fry until softened, then pour in appropriate amount of oil and appropriate amount of salt and continue to fry for a while.

4, then pour the egg liquid on the eggplant , and start to stir fry for a few times when the egg liquid solidifies.

5. This eggplant recipe is very fragrant and soft, suitable for the elderly and children.

Source: Home Cooking Recipes

Edit :Wanwan, Zhen Gong

Historical Articles

[Source: Zhenhai Trade Union]

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