Tai’an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital conducts emergency response drill for nosocomial infection outbreak in 2022

Correspondent Zhang Nan

On May 27, Tai’an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital conducted “Nosocomial Infection Outbreak Emergency Drill” in the Department of Encephalopathy. Vice President Xu Kun attended and directed the training, members of the leading group for emergency response to hospital infection outbreaks, including the Department of Infection Management, the Medical Department, the Nursing Department, the Microbiology Department, and the Logistics Service Department, as well as the director of brain surgery, the head nurse, monitoring doctors, monitoring nurses, etc. 30 Others participated in the exercise.

The drill begins with the infection control doctor discovering and reporting suspected hospital infection outbreaks. After the department quickly took contact isolation measures, the director of the department held an infection control meeting. Group member meeting and report to Infection Management Section.

Department of Infection Management held a case discussion among full-time staff, and it was agreed that it was consistent with a suspected nosocomial infection outbreak. Prepare for environmental hygiene sampling and rush to the department to check on site.

After on-site inspection and communication with the Director of Encephalopathy Surgery, the report was reported to Vice President Xu Kun. Deputy Dean Xu Kun reported to Zhang Kaigang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean, and activated the emergency plan according to Zhang Kaigang’s instructions. The Infection Management Department immediately notified the emergency team members to gather at the Brain Surgery Department.

The infection management department immediately instructs the department to strictly implement the isolation measures for drug-resistant infection, and strengthen hand hygiene and medical waste management. At the same time, hygienic sampling is carried out on the environment, surfaces, and hands of medical staff in the ward. After sampling, it is immediately sent for inspection to assist in finding the source of infection and the route of infection.

An emergency meeting of the leading group for emergency response to nosocomial infection outbreaks was organized on site. Discuss and analyze the patient’s condition, treatment plan, epidemiological investigation results, environmental hygiene sampling, implementation of disinfection and isolation measures, and follow-up ward monitoring, etc., and finally identify it as a nosocomial infection outbreak and report it to Taishan District Health Bureau and Taishan District Disease Control center.

Finally, Vice President Xu Kun commented on the exercise. The exercise process is closely linked, the command is powerful, the division of labor is clear, the response is quick, and the cooperation is tacit, and good results have been achieved. At the same time, it also pointed out the deficiencies exposed in the exercise, requiring the clinical departments to formulate rectification measures, the functional departments to optimize the exercise script, and to organize the whole hospital’s departments to exercise again. The Infection Management Section guides and supervises the relevant departments, continuously optimizes the process, and promotes the practice with drills and replaces the war with drills.