Cancer patients set a “meal appointment” goal: “When I’m 80 years old, I’ll pick you up for a big meal!”

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client May 26th (Reporter Jiang Mengqing Correspondent Yang Shiyu) “I feel like I can live to be 80 years old, and I will pick you up for a big meal!” Recently, Wuhan City In the Oncology Ward of the Fifth Hospital, Uncle Li smiled and his hearty and loud voice spread to every corner of the ward. Hearing that the uncle set a small goal of “meeting” at the age of 80, the medical staff of the oncology department were all happy and encouraged the uncle.

Uncle Li is 73 years old this year. He has a history of hepatitis B and has been suffering from cirrhosis for 40 years. He was diagnosed with liver cancer three years ago. In three years, he has done 4 interventional operations in succession.

On the evening of August 8, 2021, Uncle Li suddenly developed symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, physical weakness and even blood in the stool, and was sent to the emergency department of Wuhan Fifth Hospital.

“The patient is in a state of almost unconscious shock, and severe bone marrow suppression occurs after chemotherapy, which may be life-threatening at any time due to severe infection, electrolyte imbalance, liver failure, etc.” Uncle Li’s attending doctor, the Director Huang Ying of the hospital’s oncology department recalled that after three days and three nights of rescue and treatment, he was out of danger.

“After walking through the gate of hell, there is only one word from the bottom of my heart – thank you!” After regaining consciousness, Mr. Li opened his eyes to see Dr. Huang Ying and said, “I saw her, It’s like a lifesaver.”

Uncle Li is being treated in the oncology department of the hospital.

After the successful rescue, Mr. Li continued to carry out follow-up immunization and targeted therapy in the five hospitals, and the treatment effect was good.

“Director Huang has customized a special treatment plan according to my condition, and actively listens to my opinions.” Uncle Li told the Changjiang Daily reporter, “Director Huang also often sends me WeChat, asking me not to Considering the disease, what I should eat, what I should drink, and what I should play, is no different from ordinary people, and I slowly recovered.

Uncle Li sent a pennant to thank the oncology department.

“We are very happy to see the patient optimistic and actively cooperating with the treatment. Unlike other patients, cancer patients especially need the special understanding of medical staff to help overcome the fear of “talking about cancer”. “Huang Ying, director of the Department of Oncology, said that a warm-hearted word from the doctor and a small inquiry about ward rounds are a good remedy for patients. Communicate with patients through psychological construction, let them accept treatment plans, and communicate with doctors. A good interaction can achieve a comprehensive therapeutic effect.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]