Boy suffering from congenital strabismus for 8 years recovers well after surgery

This article is from: People’s Daily Online – Yunnan Channel

Xu Jiangtao is Child examines eyes.

“Two months after the baby was born, we found that his eyes were alternately slanted outwards, the right eye was more skewed than the left, and When the right eye is exotropia, it is accompanied by upward deviation.” Recently, in the outpatient department of strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology of Kunming Aier Eye Hospital, Ms. Liu told the doctor about the eye condition of her 8-year-old child Shan Shan.

Ms. Liu introduced that Shan Shan suffered from cerebral palsy due to cerebral hypoxia at birth, as well as impaired intelligence and difficulty in language expression. After years of rehabilitation, he was basically able to walk at the age of 8, but his gait was staggering. In addition, strabismus affects the appearance, and there are many inconveniences in life. In order to improve the appearance and enhance the child’s self-confidence, Ms. Liu has taken Shanshan to different hospitals for many times, hoping to help the child return to normal eye position through strabismus correction surgery. However, because Shan Shan’s strabismus is related to brain damage, the condition is more complicated, and it is difficult for the child to cooperate with the examination, and the reliability of the examination results is unsatisfactory, resulting in poor predictability and difficulty of the operation, which requires the doctor’s surgical experience and operation.

After repeated understanding and consultation, Ms. Liu decided to take Shanshan to Kunming Aier Eye Hospital to find Xu Jiangtao, the director of the hospital, for diagnosis and treatment. After Xu Jiangtao’s patient and careful repeated examination, Shan Shan was diagnosed with “paralysis of the superior oblique muscle of the right eye, congenital exotropia with V sign”.

Xu Jiangtao introduced that congenital exotropia usually occurs within one year after the child is born. Congenital superior oblique palsy is caused by dysplasia of the superior oblique muscle of the eye or damage to the innervating nerve. The exotropia V sign is also known as “V-shaped exotropia”, that is, the exotropia increases when looking straight above, and decreases or even disappears when looking straight down, just like the letter “V”, usually due to Caused by “superior oblique palsy”.

In order to help Shan Shan solve the problem of strabismus, Xu Jiangtao repeatedly studied the condition, carefully analyzed the examination results, and finally decided the operation plan after fully communicating with Shan Shan’s family. Recently, Xu Jiangtao successfully performed binocular strabismus correction surgery for Shan Shan.

One week after surgery, Shan Shan’s eyes recovered well, and when both eyes fixed on objects, the eyeballs had completely returned to the normal position. Shan Shan’s mother said: “After the strabismus correction surgery, the child not only looks much more energetic, but also has a better concentration, and his walking gait is much more stable, and he can walk in a straight line!”

“For For special children like Shan Shan, strabismus correction surgery can help them improve their appearance and regain self-confidence. In the process of growth, inferiority complex, social fear and other bad psychology will occur; more seriously, it will lead to amblyopia and low vision, and at the same time lead to the loss of binocular vision and stereoscopic vision. Children who lack stereopsis cannot judge the distance, depth, and concave-convex well, which not only affects their daily life, but also limits their choice of majors in their future studies and employment, which seriously affects their future. “In daily life, parents should pay close attention to children’s eye health problems. For children’s eye diseases such as strabismus and amblyopia, they should be detected and treated in time to avoid missing the best treatment period.” (Wang Nawen/Photo)