Staying up all night, 5 major injuries! This “remedial” strategy is so useful!

In life, there are many times when I have to stay up late for various reasons, such as: Work on duty, work overtime, and even dance, karaoke, play drama, and play games ……

According to the “Report on Staying Up Late in China in 2021” released by 36Kr, it shows that the situation of staying up late in first-tier and new first-tier cities is the most serious. The rate of staying up late is as high as 73.77%, the average sleep duration is less than 7 hours.

I often stay up late, but my body is suffering silently:

The metabolism of the skin is reduced, which not only makes the skin look sallow, lacking Gloss , and also lead to melanin deposition, causing pigmentation and other problems; even the skin The ability to lock in water is also worse, and it is more likely to cause dryness, wrinkles and other phenomena.

When staying up late, the liver not only gets Rest also easily aggravates the deterioration of damaged liver cells, so the risk of abnormal liver functionis higher than the general population.

When staying up late, the brain will not only get no rest, but will continue to produce “garbage”, which is more likely to damage the brain and can lead to Memory loss, and even increased risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology People who get less than 6 hours of sleep may have an increasedrisk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, according to a new study published in span>.

Staying up late can cause endocrine disorders and increase the risk of cancer;

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Are you afraid? I know that staying up late is not good, but sometimes I have to stay up late, what should I do?


Southwest University Research:

Drinking tea properly can help repair the damage of staying up late

Why staying up late So much damage? The bottom line isstaying up late disrupts circadian rhythms. In other words,modulate and improve circadian rhythms is one of the effective ways to reduce the harm of staying up late.

Recently, the research team of the School of Food Science of Southwest University in my country published a research paper on the international journal in the field of food science and technology “International Top Journals in the Field of Food Science and Technology”. In the previous article, it was analyzed that drinking tea can help relieve circadian rhythm disorders.

1Sources of Tea Benefits< p>Previous studies have found that phytochemicals such as tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharides, flavonoids in tea are in< /span>Balance of glucose and lipid metabolism, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, enhance immunity, improve gut microbiomecomposition and its metabolites can play an important role.

Researchers speculate that tea may Interventions in bile acid metabolism, tryptophan metabolism and G protein-coupled receptors, thereby reduced circadian rhythm disturbances Metabolic Disorders and Inflammation.

2want to receive /strong>To get the benefits of drinking tea, you need to remember these points

①Watch the time< /strong>

Different teas are suitable for drinking at different times, such as:green tea< /span>Invigorating Yang Qi and refreshing the mind, Suitable for drinking in the morning; OolongIt is a semi-fermented tea, which has the effect of digestion.Suitable for drinking one hour after lunch< /strong>;cooked Pu-erh is a fully fermented tea with low polyphenol content and is not easy to affect Sleep, but also with stomach, kidney, soothe the nerves, more suitable for drinking at night.


No matter how good the tea is, it is too much, especially not strong tea. Generally healthy adultsdrink about 12 grams of tea a day, 3 grams each time, with 150ml of water is suitable for brewing.

③Three “not suitable

*Do not drink on an empty stomach, it will dilute gastric juices and reduce digestion.

*Do not drink after meals, it will affect the body’s ability to absorb protein and iron. Absorption, but also slows intestinal peristalsis and aggravates constipation. It is recommended to drink 1 hour after meals.

*Do not drink after drinking, it will increase the irritation and damage to the kidneys.

The last thing I need to remind is the appropriate temperature for drinking tea Also important for health. The World Health Organization has warned that drinking hot beverages with a temperature of over 65°C has a risk of cancer, so use boiling water The tea should be left to dry before drinking.


Exercise in the afternoon can also help regulate circadian rhythms p>

Recently, an Israeli research team published their research results in Nature’s “Scientific Reports” and found thatPhysical activitysynchronizes the circadian rhythm (biological clock),thereby< span>Improve circadian rhythm-induced depression, anxiety, memory loss, hyperglycemia and other problems.

in addition, experts from Nanjing University rat realExperiments have found that exercise can improve the biological clock rhythm of mice, and through a series of comparative experiments, it is found that if you choose to exercise in the afternoonafternoon span>, it has a better effect on improving the biological clock rhythm of mice.

Animals that exercised in the afternoon were more likely to < span>producesmore clock protein and can pump this protein more efficiently to the rest of the body to Helps regulate biological rhythms.

How much time should exercise be considered moderate exercise?

An article in a sub-issue of the top medical journal JAMA found that< span>Exercise 30-45 minutes per dayis optimal,for the best results with the least amount of exercise.


how to Minimize the dangers of staying up late?

The best answer to this question is: Try not to stay up late.

But some people say that I don’t want to stay up late, but sometimes I just can’t control myself, or it’s very late when I work overtime. How to do it? In addition to drinking tea and exercising as mentioned above, you can also do this:

1In the evening, appropriate nutrition

If you have to stay up late, then you can eat dinner a little later that day, don’t overeat, Too greasy, so as not to increase the burden of gastrointestinal digestion, stimulate the body to produce cholecystokinin, activate the area of ​​the brain responsible for sleep, produce a sense of drowsiness, and reduce work efficiency.

It is recommended to eat grains, fruits and vegetables, as well as soy products, lean meat, etc.High protein, low fat foods , not only replenish energy, but also contain B vitamins to help fight fatigue.

busy >When you’re hungry in the middle of the night, you caneat a small amount of well-digested, nutritious food< span>, such as milk, oatmeal, hot noodle soup, sesame paste, etc.

2The next day, take a proper nap and supplement tyrosine

the first day of staying up late On the second day, you can sleep for about 20 minutes at noon, which can improve your mental state.

Starting at night, return to normal sleep time, otherwise if not If you adjust it in time, the biological clock will be disturbed after staying up late, which may cause lasting damage to the body.

while< span>Tyrosineis a neurotransmitter that keeps the brain sharp and helps relieve stress and anxiety Emotions. After staying up late, you may wish to eat foods rich in tyrosine, such as: yogurt, milk, oysters, salmon, chicken, etc.

3Chinese herbal tea

such as astragalus Tea can nourish qi and nourish yin, clear heat and reduce fire, eliminate fatigue, and enhance immunity.It is suitable for people who often stay up late.

Astragalus Tonic Tea

[How to do]Western10 grams each of ginseng, wolfberry, and astragalus, the above herbs can be used as a daily amount of decoction to replace tea. When drinking, you can add 2 jujubes or 3 grams of white chrysanthemum.

[Tips]Abstinence , Consult a physician before drinking.


Finally, I would like to remind everyone that although these methods can help reduce the damage caused by staying up late, try not to stay up late. Regular work and rest.

Source: I am a big doctor official WeChat

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