Is standing office healthier than sitting office? What are the possible consequences other than varicose veins

Perhaps, many people have the habit of sitting and standing for long periods of time.

Especially for some white-collar workers who work in offices for a long time, workers in factories, students in schools, or salespeople who work in supermarkets and shops, they need to sit or stand for a long time.

If you don’t pay attention to adjusting this time, a series of uncomfortable symptoms will appear after the body is overworked.

Everyone must have heard of the dangers of prolonged sitting, but the dangers of standing for long periods of time do not seem to be taken seriously.

But in fact, for some sales or salespeople, standing for a long time is the normal state of life, and the health risks brought by standing for a long time should not be underestimated.

Standing for long periods of time can lead to varicose veins

You should know that whether standing or sitting for a long time, the limbs will not be able to move for a long time, which will affect the blood circulation of the human body, especially the part below the waist due to its low position.

Standing for a long time on the lower limbs will affect the blood circulation of the lower body for a long time. Sickness caused by back strain.

Sitting still for a long time will also cause excessive weight on the waist and ischium, and the legs will not be able to move. The function of blood circulation will also weaken and cause discomfort.

Standing for a long time will lead to excessive weight-bearing of the lower extremities, which may easily lead to varicose veins after abnormal blood circulation of the lower extremities. protrusion.

If blood circulation in the lower extremities is poor, it can also affect other organs.

Unfortunately, once varicose veins develop, they are almost irreversible and can gradually become serious without proper care and treatment.

In addition to varicose veins, what are the effects of prolonged standing?

First, plantar fasciitis

Standing for a long time can cause inflammation of the leg joints and cause pain, and the foot, as the most stressed part, is also prone to excessive stretching and pain, and can also cause the sole of the foot Fasciitis.

Second, lower back disease

Excessive pressure on the lumbar spine can cause pain when standing, because excessive weight bearing on the waist can cause lumbar disc herniation and lumbar muscle strain.

Third, it affects fertility

For men, standing for long periods of time can lead to weakened blood circulation in the genitals, and the venous return of the testes will deteriorate, which will affect sperm production. , also affect reproductive function.

Standing for a long time can also cause uterine prolapse, and some women may also experience habitual miscarriage.

Is standing up really better than sitting down?

For many office workers, sitting at work is almost a norm, but sitting for a long time will not only bring back pain, but also cause us to suffer from various diseases. risk of chronic disease.

As a result, many companies have also begun to choose the model of standing to work, hoping to reduce the risks caused by prolonged sitting.

But in fact, standing and sitting actually burn about the same amount of calories.

The researchers conducted a data survey of 74 healthy people who wore breathing masks that measure oxygen consumption and then calculate the calories they burned.

At the same time, these healthy individuals were also asked to sit at work, sit and watch TV, stand and watch TV, and walk at their most comfortable pace. .

Result data shows: The average calorie consumption of sitting is 20 kcal, while the average calorie consumption of standing is 22 kcal.

In fact, compared to whether sitting and standing for a long time will affect your health, the real problem is not whether there is a problem with sitting at work, but the lack of exercise caused by sitting and standing for a long time.

Therefore, I suggest that friends, it is not recommended to lie down for a long time or sit for a long time when there is nothing. It is recommended to do regular moderate to high-intensity exercise, which can also reduce the risk of diseases caused by prolonged sitting. , such as Type 2 diabetes.

When working at ordinary times, it is recommended to get up and move around when you have nothing to do, which can not only reduce the blood sugar response, but also reduce fatigue, reduce appetite, and avoid sitting for a long time. time to eat.