Repeated acne on the back, may wish to try these 4 small coup, or can achieve the desired effect

After summer, many people in life will have small pimples on their backs. Although it will not affect the external image too much, there will always be the problem of itching and festering, and even affect the normal sleep. life is troublesome.

Especially for female friends, they like to wear skirts in summer, so they can’t show their backs.

This is the case, reminds everyone that if you want to get rid of acne on your back, you may try the 4 methods mentioned below, which may be able to achieve the desired effect.

1. Be careful to remove fire

Clinical survey data shows that the reason why some people have frequent acne on their backs is because of excessive anger in the body, which leads to strong oil secretion. Over time, oil can easily block pores and affect the excretion of metabolic waste. Therefore, There will be acne manifestations.

In this case, if you want to remove it, you have to pay attention to reducing the fire, such as eating less spicy and stimulating food, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially bitter gourd, cucumber, etc. Helps to dispel fire and speed up metabolism.

Not only that, but for busy people, maintain a good attitude, stabilize the endocrine system, and avoid excessive oil secretion.

2. Take measures for cleaning p>

In addition to being directly related to anger, frequent acne on the back may also be caused by mites. Mites often exist in places such as quilt covers, pillows, sheets, etc. If they are not cleaned for a long time, mites will multiply.

And the mites feed on the oil secreted by the human body, which will then attach to the skin on the back, resulting in the appearance of acne, which cannot be relieved for a long time.

Therefore, in order to get rid of acne, everyone should pay attention to cleaning the daily necessities and placing them in the sun to expose them to the sun, In this way, most of the bacteria and mites can be killed.

3. Treat as soon as possible after sweating

The problem of acne on the back is more frequent in summer. The reason for this result is that the temperature is higher, and a lot of sweat flows out. If it is not cleaned in time, the sweat will easily clog the pores and cause acne. /strong>.

This is exactly the case. After summer, everyone should wear breathable and sweat-absorbing clothes. At the same time, they should change their clothes in time after exercising to prevent problems before they occur.

4. Use sulfur soap

If If you want to eliminate acne that grows on your back, using sulfur soap is also a very good method, because the sulfur contained in sulfur soap can not only inhibit the secretion of sebaceous glands, but also remove mites and parasites.

Therefore, If you have a lot of acne on your back, it is recommended to wash your back with sulfur soap before going to bed at night, and it can achieve immediate results, but it should be noted that, Do not use it frequently, normally once or twice a week is enough.

In fact, if you want to get rid of acne on your back, in addition to the above 4 methods< strong>, you should also drink more water, because water can promote metabolism.

Of course, not only boiled water can achieve this effect, but the herbal tea that cools and eliminates fire can do more with less.

All in all, through the above content, we have clearly understood the cause of frequent acne on the back. It is related to which factors, mainly including strong oil secretion, inattentive diet and poor cleaning. Therefore, if you want to get rid of acne, you have to carry it out in a targeted manner.

The last point that needs to be mentioned is that if you have acne on your back, choose cotton and linen clothes as much as possible, which can reduce the static electricity generated by friction between the skin and the clothes and prevent irritation to the back skin.