“Mixed fight” greatly improves immunity! “The Lancet” publishes the latest results of China’s “inhalation” vaccine

China News Service, Guangzhou, May 23 (Reporter Xu Qingqing) Recently, there have been frequent rains all over Guangdong. The Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a consumer reminder on the 23rd that edible wet rice noodles, foamed white fungus, fungus and other foods are easily contaminated by Pseudomonas copra in high temperature and humid weather and produce rice yeast acid toxin, while coconut poison fake Monomonas are ubiquitous in nature, and the risk of rice yeast acid toxin poisoning increases if food contaminated with it is eaten without proper storage or beyond the shelf life.

The bureau stated that consumers who buy wet rice noodles sold in bulk, such as hor fun, rice noodles (rolled noodles), Chencun noodles, kuey teow, rice noodles (rice noodles), seti noodles, Liangpi, etc. According to the production date, shelf life, storage conditions and other information on the original packaging of the product, check on the spot whether the products sold meet the packaging labeling requirements, and clarify key elements such as the manufacturer, production date, and shelf life of the purchased products. Wet rice noodles should be refrigerated or stored in a cool place according to the storage conditions indicated on the label, and sold and consumed within the shelf life.

The sensory properties of some wet rice noodles that have passed the shelf life are still normal, and there will be no deterioration such as sourness and odor. Can they be eaten? The bureau stated that the shelf life of wet rice noodles is generally 24 hours. Such wet rice noodles that have exceeded the shelf life but have not changed significantly may have been contaminated by Pseudomonas cocoviridae and produce rice yeast acid toxins. The risk of poisoning after consumption will be greatly increased. Increase. Therefore, the expired wet rice noodles should be resolutely disposed of.

At the same time, Pseudomonas cocoa may also multiply on the fungus and white fungus, and then produce rice yeast acid toxin. Therefore, before eating mushrooms such as foamed fungus and white fungus, their sensory properties should be checked, and it is found that they should not be eaten if they are damp and deteriorated. Tremella, fungus and their products processed in the sky; do not eat fresh white fungus or fresh fungus, especially fresh white fungus or fresh fungus that has deteriorated.

The onset of poisoning caused by acid toxin of rice yeast is acute, and the incubation period is generally 30 minutes to 12 hours, and a few are 1 to 2 days. The main symptoms are epigastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting, mild diarrhea, dizziness, and general weakness. In severe cases, jaundice, hepatomegaly, subcutaneous hemorrhage, hematemesis, hematuria, oliguria, unconsciousness, restlessness, convulsions, convulsions, shock and even death may occur. Generally, there is no fever. If suspected poisoning is suspected, immediately stop eating the suspicious food, induce vomiting as soon as possible, and expel gastric contents to reduce the absorption of toxins and damage to the body, and promptly send to the hospital for treatment and symptomatic treatment. (End)