Adhere to the principle of “people first, life first” and take multiple measures to treat and recover patients well (Reporter Song Yajuan and Xiao Chunfang) On May 23, the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference. Adhering to the concept of “people first, life first”. In the process of treatment, all patients should be admitted and treated as needed, so as to ensure the treatment of patients and ensure that the infected will not cause infection to the surrounding population.

Guo Yanhong and Yang Nan, Ombudsman of the Medical Administration and Hospital Authority/Photo

The currently circulating Omicron variant is more contagious and spreads faster, and a certain percentage of infected people are asymptomatic, so its spread is hidden. Once a clustered outbreak occurs, the number of infected people will surge in a short period of time. With the substantial increase in the number of infected people, some elderly people and vulnerable groups with underlying diseases are not only prone to develop severe illness after infection, but also bring great challenges to medical treatment because of underlying diseases.

Guo Yanhong said that in order to ensure the treatment of critically ill patients, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of designated hospitals first, so that ordinary, severe, critical and at-risk patients can be admitted to designated hospitals. Therefore, it is required that when determining designated hospitals, all localities must choose hospitals with strong comprehensive capabilities, good treatment conditions, and high management levels as designated hospitals for new coronary pneumonia.

At the same time, some patients have both new coronary pneumonia infection and a variety of basic diseases. They also require designated hospitals to appropriately increase ICU bed resources, so that severe, critically ill and patients with high risk factors for severe illness can be Timely admission to the ICU ward for monitoring. In addition, it is necessary to provide sufficient equipment, facilities and medical forces for critically ill treatment, especially to improve the treatment capacity of medical staff to meet the treatment needs of critically ill patients.

Second, we must standardize diagnosis and treatment. All localities are required to carry out treatment in strict accordance with the ninth edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan during the treatment process. On the one hand, insist on moving the threshold forward in the process of treatment, especially those who seem to have mild symptoms but have high-risk factors, and increase the monitoring of early warning indicators. At the same time, both Chinese and Western medicine are emphasized to better ensure the therapeutic effect. In addition, in the process of treatment, it is necessary to treat both new coronary pneumonia and underlying diseases, and special attention should be paid to “one person, one policy” and multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment. In addition, it is also very important to strengthen psychological support, nutritional support and related symptomatic treatment for patients.

“The prevention and control of the epidemic must be based on ‘prevention’. Some prevention and control measures, such as early detection of patients, nucleic acid testing, and early identification and isolation of close contacts, must be implemented quickly and strictly. If it is implemented well, it will be possible to avoid the infection of a large number of people in a short period of time, so as to avoid a relatively large number of severe and even death cases.” Guo Yanhong said.