“Enduring hardship and being tyrannical”, “Huang Army of Traditional Chinese Medicine” successfully completed the task of assisting Shanghai

Video: The members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team left the station and returned

On May 23, 5 China Southern Airlines planes carrying 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team landed in Changsha. After 38 days of fighting side by side with the people of Shanghai, the medical team successfully completed its mission and triumphed. Before leaving, the Shanghai side held a simple and warm farewell ceremony to express heartfelt thanks to the medical team members from Hunan.

On April 15th, 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team, dressed in white, went retrograde, rushed to Shanghai, and took over the Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital. The medical team is headed by Xiao Wenming, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as the interim secretary of the party committee and the team leader. There are 12 medical teams under the medical team. It is composed of 4 provincial TCM hospitals, including the Affiliated Hospital of the Institute of Medicine and the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and 7 cities and prefectures with strong TCM strength. The team has 66 people with senior professional titles. The team members are mainly Chinese medicine internal medicine, with experts in surgery, critical care, pediatrics, orthopedics, skin, ENT, anesthesia, acupuncture and massage, rehabilitation and other experts. The post-90s accounted for 52% of the team members.

Group photo of Gudan Road Fangcang Cabin Hospital when the cabin was closed

After arriving in Shanghai, the Chinese medicine aided by Hunan Province The medical team worked together for 36 hours with the construction and operators of Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital, including Shanghai Seventh People’s Hospital, Shanghai Pudong Rural Agriculture Committee, Shanghai Gangcheng Group, etc., and opened the cabin to treat patients on April 17. During the operation of the Fangcang, the medical team followed the national and Shanghai protocols, using the No. 1 Chinese medicine formula for asymptomatic infections and the No. 2 Chinese medicine formula for patients with mild symptoms. Special patients were consulted by experts to provide personalized treatment, and at the same time, massage, Special treatments such as moxibustion therapy, ear acupoint pressing beans, aromatic medicines, traditional health-preserving exercises, emotional counseling, etc., can meet the patients’ precise treatment needs of “one person, one policy, one person, one side” to the greatest extent.

As of May 16, the cabin has been closed, and Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital has been operating for 32 consecutive days. A total of 5,242 patients with new coronary pneumonia have been treated, 5,163 people have been out of the cabin, and 79 people have been referred. Among the patients admitted, the oldest is 92 years old, the youngest is only 31 days old, and the average time in the cabin is 5.9 days. Except for full-term pregnant women, infants and young children, 100% of the patients in the cabin were treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

Send the pennant to the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team

“Recalling this period of racing against time is worth it, no matter how hard or tiring.” The team of Chinese medicine medical staff from Hunan Province said that during the aid to Shanghai, they overcame all kinds of difficulties and carried forward the spirit of “enduring hardships and being tyrannical”. It has achieved the “three best” achievements of “the largest team size, the most patients admitted, and the shortest time for patients to turn negative” among the national medical aid teams in Shanghai. The team has zero infection.” (Jiang Hongbing, Zhongfeng, Li Tingting)

The Farewell Ceremony of the Hunan Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Team before leaving Shanghai

Departure, pay tribute (the pictures and videos are provided by the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Team)