8-year-old girl runs the toilet 30 times a day! Summer diarrhea is terrible, be careful!

Summer is here
It’s diarrhea season again
Many people have diarrhea
Just find some gastrointestinal medicine to eat
Did You Know
Not all diarrhea is your stomach
may also be infected with it!
Xuan Xuan female is only 8 years old this year
She has been suffering recently at a young age
Twenty or thirty times a day
And this has been going on for almost a month

Children are distressed and family members are distressed
To find out what’s going on
The family quickly brought Xuan Xuan to the hospital
Heard Xuan Xuan’s symptoms
The doctor was also surprised:
The first time I’ve been in business for more than ten years!

In order to find out why Xuan Xuan has such symptoms
Doctors examine her fecal specimen
The culprit was subsequently discovered
Blastocystis hominis

It’s a parasite
Parasitic in human and animal intestines
more common
Wide distribution around the world
Often appear after infection in immunocompromised people
diarrhea, bloating, anorexia, nausea, vomiting
Even symptoms such as fever and chills

How did the parasite get to Xuan Xuan?
Doctor introduces Blastocystis hominis
Mainly by the fecal-oral route
Possible child contact with contaminated food or water

How can I prevent it in my daily life?
1. Improve your immunity
2. Pay attention to personal hygiene and dietary hygiene
3. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated water or food
4. Wash hands with soap and warm water before and after meals
5. All raw vegetables and fruits must be washed and peeled before eating
6. Avoid drinking uncooked tap water
In addition to Blastocystis hominis, infection with bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Listeria, or drinking a lot of cold drinks, lactose intolerance, etc. can also cause diarrhea.

HowPrevent summer diarrhea

To prevent diarrhea: add garlic cloves and onions

Summer diarrhea, cold dishes are the hardest hit areas. It is recommended to add more garlic cloves, onions and vinegar to assist in sterilization.

Has diarrhea: choose burnt rice soup, burnt steamed buns

For patients who are already in diarrhea, Jiao Mi Tang is recommended first. Put one or two rice into the pot, stir fry until browned, add water and cook until it becomes a paste.

You can also try Jiao Mantou slices. Traditional Chinese medicine has the usage of “Jiao Sanxian” (ie Jiao Malt, Jiao Hawthorn, Jiao Divine Comedy), which is a good medicine for digestion and stagnation, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and enhancing digestive function.
After diarrhea: choose egg porridge to nourish the stomach
After diarrhea, it is best to eat low-residue food, and not to eat vegetables and fruits with too much crude fiber, such as celery, bananas, pineapples, etc., otherwise it will speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis and aggravate the disease.
Experts recommend eating some rice soup, porridge and lotus root starch for a transition after diarrhea.
Egg porridge is a good choice. Add an egg while cooking the porridge to make egg porridge, which is easy to digest and nutritious. Directly brewing lotus root starch in a cup also has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea.
Lactose intolerance: choose specialty-specific milk
People who are lactose intolerant can choose professional functional lactose-free milk.
Source: Henan Metropolitan Channel