The State Council emphasized: Normalized nucleic acid testing must not be one size fits all!

We do not require all cities to establish a 15-minute nucleic acid sampling circle, but mainly focus on provincial capital cities with high import risk and cities with a population of tens of millions.

Writing | Tian Dongliang

Source | “Medical Community” Public Account

“Normalized nucleic acid testing should be determined according to the needs of local epidemic prevention and control, and must not be one size fits all.” On the afternoon of May 23, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a meeting on epidemic prevention and control. At the press conference of the People’s Republic of China, Ms. Guo Yanhong, the ombudsman of the Medical Administration and Hospital Administration Bureau of the National Health and Health Commission, made it clear in answering reporters’ questions about the issue of normalized nucleic acid testing that is of general concern to the public.

Guo Yanhong said: “So, we do not require all cities to establish a 15-minute nucleic acid sampling circle, but mainly focus on provincial capital cities with high import risks and populations of tens of millions. Cities. In terms of frequency, not all people are required to be tested every 48 hours, and the specific testing frequency should be determined locally according to the occurrence and development of the epidemic and the needs of prevention and control.”

From the reply of Commissioner Guo Yanhong, two points can be made clear. First, not all cities need to carry out normalized nucleic acid testing, mainly in provincial capital cities with high import risk and populations of tens of millions. city ​​was established. Second, the frequency of normalized nucleic acid testing should be flexibly adjusted according to the local epidemic development and prevention and control needs.

According to data released by local bureaus of statistics, by the end of 2021, a total of 17 cities across the country will have more than 10 million permanent residents. They are Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Wuhan, Xi’an, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Shijiazhuang, Linyi, Dongguan, Qingdao and Changsha.

In fact, the cities where normalized nucleic acid testing is implemented have already broken through the established scope of provincial capital cities and cities with a population of 10 million with high import risk.

On May 22, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province issued the “Notice on Carrying out Normalized New Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Screening Work”, requiring all residents in Cangzhou to conduct nucleic acid testing free of charge once a week. One pair of male residents will be sampled and tested every week, female residents will be sampled and tested on Thursday, and those who cannot be tested within the specified time will be tested on Saturday. Cangzhou is neither the capital of Hebei Province, nor has it entered the list of cities with a population of 10 million.

On May 21, the Henan Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice requiring regular nucleic acid testing. In principle, residents of the province and other personnel in Henan should complete nucleic acid testing at least once every 48 hours. Sampling (sampling every day). Zhengzhou City will take the lead and carry out normalized nucleic acid testing before the end of May, and other provincial cities should establish and improve the normalized nucleic acid testing mechanism by the end of June.

Before Henan was Jiangxi Province. As early as May 10, Jiangxi Province issued the “Guiding Opinions on Establishing a Normalized Nucleic Acid Testing Service Mechanism in Our Province” and decided to establish The province’s normalized nucleic acid testing service mechanism, and the general population is tested every 3 days in various regions.

Zhejiang Province also announced the rolling out of regional nucleic acid inspections in the province. Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities explored the normalized nucleic acid detection mechanism in urban areas and established a 15-minute walk for nucleic acid sampling “service circle”.

There are more cities in China that have carried out normalized nucleic acid testing, and some are actively preparing to carry out. Put the brakes on nucleic acid testing.

Zhang Yu, assistant to the director and chief macro analyst of Huachuang Securities Research Institute, recently wrote an article to analyze nucleic acid detection. According to Zhang Yu’s team estimates, since the new crown epidemic, my country’s total nucleic acid spending is about 300 billion, half of which is spent this year. In the first half of this year, nucleic acid tests may exceed 20 billion, or 15 per capita.

If there are no restrictions on the cities that conduct routine nucleic acid testing, it is foreseeable that the cost of nucleic acid testing will increase.

Zhang Yu’s team pointed out that a forgotten but crucial premise is that about 80% of the normalized nucleic acid costs are borne by medical insurance, and about 20% of the cost of finance at all levels. By the end of 2021, the balance of the medical insurance fund will reach 3.6 trillion yuan. Zhang Yu’s team believes that regardless of financial subsidies, it is enough for the whole people to test in two days and three and a half years. Although the short-term pressure on medical insurance is not great, because my country’s medical insurance has not yet completed the provincial-level overall planning, the problem of uneven medical insurance “surplus food” in various regions may be magnified.

Related questions, we also have a detailed introduction in another article. For details, click “The most scientific way to do nucleic acid testing every few days? “.

Source: Medicine

Editor in charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia