The number of people over 60 years old with new crown vaccination coverage reaches 229 million

On May 23, at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Guo Yanhong, Inspector of the Medical Administration and Medical Administration Bureau of the National Health Commission, introduced that according to the Joint Prevention and Control of the State Council As of May 22, a total of 3,371,096,000 doses of the new crown vaccine have been reported nationwide, and the total number of vaccinations has reached 1,288,947,000, and 1,254,875,000 people have been vaccinated throughout the process. The number of people covered and fully vaccinated accounted for 91.42% and 88.01% of the country’s total population, respectively. 771.38 million people completed booster immunization, of which 35.896 million people received sequential booster immunization. The number of people over 60 years old who were vaccinated reached 229.187 million people, and 217.232 million people had completed the whole course of vaccination. The number of people covered and vaccinated during the whole course accounted for 86.8% and 82.3% of the elderly population, respectively. Completed booster immunizations for 166.9 million people.

The overall progress of the new crown vaccination work is smooth, and the current national epidemic situation is still relatively severe and complicated. The new crown vaccination has obvious effects in preventing severe illness and death. Recently, we have redeployed and re-arranged in various places, requiring them to further strengthen the organization and implementation of vaccination, strengthen publicity and mobilization, actively promote the vaccination of the elderly, and strive to meet all the needs.