General anesthesia is the equivalent of dying once? During surgery, the anesthesiologist may do these things to you

I believe everyone knows that no matter how big or small the operation is, we can’t escape anesthesia. Most invasive operations require anesthesia, such as tooth extraction, childbirth, and cutting hemorrhoids. The doctor will customize the whole body according to the size of the operation. Anesthesia or local anesthesia. Some people think that anesthesia will damage the body’s health and make the brain stupid. There is no scientific basis for this. Let’s find out the answer from the following.

What are general and local anesthesia?

1. General anesthesia

The anesthetic drug enters the body in a certain way and acts directly on the central nervous system system. There are three types of general anesthesia, one is intravenous inhalation combined general anesthesia, one is total intravenous anesthesia, and the other is inhalation general anesthesia.

2. Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia means that there is no sensation in a part of the body, However, the patient is still conscious. Local anesthesia includes various types. In addition to spinal anesthesia and local infiltration anesthesia, it also includes topical anesthesia and nerve block anesthesia.

General anesthesia, is it really like death?

Death means that body organs, tissue functions, brain nerves and consciousness all stop without any vital signs. General anesthesia only temporarily suppresses the respiratory circulatory system as well as the sympathetic nerves, all organs and tissues as usual. It would be wrong to say that anesthetizing the whole body is like “dead”.

Can anesthesia damage the brain?

After local anesthesia, it can be metabolized in the body in just a few hours, and it will not act on the brain, so it will not damage the brain. Although general anesthesia drugs act directly on the brain, they can be completely metabolized in about a few days, and there is almost no damage to the brain.

However, it is worth noting that children under three years of age who received anesthesia for more than 3 Second, each operation takes more than 3 hours, then it may damage memory and cognitive ability, so if it is not necessary, try to perform surgery after the age of 3, unless it is an emergency or limited operation.

How to choose between local anesthesia and general anesthesia?

There are also 3 types of anesthesia, including local anesthesia, semi-anesthesia, and general anesthesia. Before the operation, anesthesia will be given by drugs or other methods to remove the pain during the operation and relieve tension. mood. But how to choose the appropriate anesthesia method?

1, general hemp

The sedative effect of general anesthesia is relatively stable, and you will not feel pain and pain. Generally, it is suitable for major or complicated operations.

2. Local anesthesia

The dosage of local anesthesia is relatively small, and the process of anesthesia is simple , more suitable for minor surgery, such as partial resection or appendix, tonsil surgery.

What do you experience during general anesthesia?

1. Induction period

Through an open venous channel, the doctor injects anesthesia, a short period of time Fall asleep within a few minutes with almost no discomfort, although some people experience short-term pain.

2. Anesthesia maintenance period

This stage does not have any awareness of the outside world, and does not feel to pain and any discomfort, so much as to have a sweet dream under the influence of anesthesia.

3. The shaping period

After the operation, the consciousness slowly recovered. At first, when you wake up, you have a cough and difficulty speaking. This is a normal phenomenon, because a laryngeal mask or tracheal tube needs to be inserted during general anesthesia. The purpose is to ensure the safety of the airway. As spontaneous breathing gradually returns, the doctor removes the laryngeal mask or catheter.

What will the anesthesiologist do to you during surgery?

After anesthesia, the anesthesiologist monitors the patient’s vital signs all the time. As long as the vital signs fluctuate greatly, they will deal with it as soon as possible to ensure that the patient’s body is in a safe state. In addition, the anesthesiologist can adjust the depth of anesthesia at any time. If an accident occurs during the operation, such as cardiac arrest or massive bleeding, emergency resuscitation work is required immediately.

Message from the doctor

It can usually be done under general anesthesiaThere is no absolute contraindication for each operation. General anesthesia is required if the patient is highly nervous before the operation; the patient cannot cooperate with the operation; critically ill patients need to be rescued; major surgery;

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