If your blood sugar is always high and low, see if it has something to do with these 8 diabetes diet mistakes

As we all know, diabetes is inseparable from diet control, but many people with diabetes fall into the following 8 misunderstandings in diet, resulting in substandard blood sugar.

Myth 1: Often eat sugar-free foods

On the market, sugar-free foods are under the guise of “sugar-free”, which makes some sugar-lovers drop their guard and eat them openly, which is inappropriate.

The so-called sugar-free foods are sweeteners that replace sucrose, such as arabinose , xylitol, aspartame, etc., these sweeteners can increase the sweetness of food without increasing the energy of food.

So, sugar friendsin order to improve the taste, eat these sweeteners appropriately (about 20 grams per day) , does not have much impact.

However, sugar-free food does not mean no carbohydrates or energy, just like sugar-free cookies, which also contain a lot of starch, which will also be digested and absorbed. converted to sugar.

So, sugar-free foods can be eaten, but not in large quantities, and calories should be included in the total calories for the day.

Myth 2: Fruit It’s all sweet, I dare not eat it

I tell you for sure: diabetic patients can eat fruit for the following reasons:

  • The sugars contained in fruits include glucose, fructose and sucrose, of which fructose does not require insulin to participate in its metabolism, that is, said, does not affect blood sugar;
  • Fruits contain a lot of vitamins, dietary fiber and Minerals, which increase satiety, are beneficial for people with diabetes.

But the prerequisite for sugar lovers to eat fruit: blood sugar control is ideal: p>

  • fasting blood glucose <7.0mmol/L;
  • ul>

    • postprandial blood glucose <10.0mmol/L;
    • < li>glycated hemoglobin <7.0% and stable condition (hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia infrequently).

    Best time to eat fruit:Should be between meals, such as 10am, 4pm or before bed.

    Control the intake of fruit: The amount of fruit per day is about 100 grams, while Subtract the intake of staple foods to keep the total calorie intake constant.

    Mistake 3. Don’t eat sweet fruits, only eat unsweet fruits< /strong>

    When choosing fruits, many people mistakenly think that they can eat more fruits that taste “not sweet”.

    But in fact, sweetness comes from simple sugars such as fructose and sucrose, which affects Blood sugar fluctuations are the total energy and sugar content of the fruit.

    So the sugar content in the fruit and the sweetness in the taste are not the same thing. You can’t judge the level of glucose and fructose based on the sweetness alone. .

    diabetic lovers should choose relatively low sugar content (sugar content <10%), low glycemic index, and low blood sugar Loaded, hydrated, acidic, and crunchy fruits, such as: cucumber, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, lemon, peaches, plums, apricots, loquats, strawberries, cherries, etc.

    Fruits with high sugar content (>20% sugar content) should not be used: Jujube , red fruit, especially candied dates, dried persimmons, raisins, dried apricots, longan and other dried fruits and preserved fruits.

    Myth 4: One I only eat whole grains for three meals a day, and I no longer dare to eat rice and white flour

    Some sugar friends have since After getting diabetes, it is not appropriate to eat coarse grains for three meals a day, and never dare to eat rice and white noodles.

    Coarse grains generally refer to unprocessed natural foods, such as brown rice, whole wheat flour, beans and other foods.

    Coarse grains are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which can help reduce postprandial blood sugar for diabetics. Promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

    But coarse grains are difficult to digest, if long-termEating only whole grains will affect the absorption of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition, anemia, and decreased resistance, which is not worth the gain.

    When sugar lovers eat staple food, according to their own taste, can add 25% -35% whole grains, This keeps blood sugar from soaring after meals and increases satiety.

    Myth 5: Only control the amount of food, not the cooking method

    Some people with sugar can control the amount of staple food every day, but they have heavy taste and like cooking methods such as frying, frying, and braising, which is also inappropriate .

    It is well known that:1 gram of carbohydrate yields 4 kcal;

    1 gram of protein yields 4 kcal;

    1 gram Oil produces 9 kcal of heat;

    food is fried, fried, braised and other cooking methods, which not only increases heat, but also loses some vitamins. Excessive oxidation of fat can also produce carcinogens, which is not suitable for diabetics.

    Recommended cooking methods for people with diabetes:Braising, steaming, braised, salad , boiled, boiled, boiled, etc., neither increase fat, loss of nutrients, light and refreshing, easy to digest and absorb.

    Myth 6: All Vegetables are low in calories and can be eaten casually

    Vegetables are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, and most vegetables The carbohydrate content of veggies is low, so some sugar friends think that it is inappropriate to eat a large amount of vegetables no matter what variety.

    Sugar friends should ensure that the intake of vegetables reaches 300-500 grams per day, preferably dark and green vegetables, but some vegetables The starch content is high, and it is can be used to replace the staple food, such as: Sweet potato, potato, yam, lotus, vermicelli, old pumpkin, etc.

    If you want to eat such starchy foods, you should reduce the amount of staple food accordingly. And when eating vegetables, limit the amount of oil used for cooking, generally 25 ml per person per day, and try to eat raw vegetables that can be eaten raw, such as tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Misunderstanding 7: Staple food control, wine can be drunk openly< /span>

    Some sugar friends think that the daily staple food needs to be controlled, and there is no need to control alcohol, which is inappropriate.

    1 gram of alcohol can produce 7 kcal of calories. Drinking alcohol will make it difficult to control blood sugar. After drinking alcohol, the metabolism of alcohol by the liver is enhanced, which affects the liver’s ability to Glucose is metabolized and glycogenolysis is reduced, so drinking alcohol may also induce hypoglycemia, so it is best for people with diabetes not to drink alcohol.

    If you must drink alcohol, avoid drinking on an empty stomach, and at the same time reduce the amount of staple food appropriately, must be limited (no more than one week) 2 times), limited (no more than 25 grams of alcohol per drink for men and no more than 15 grams for women).

    Myth 8: You can’t eat out if you have diabetes Otherwise, it is easy to raise blood sugar.

    Diabetes does not mean that you cannot eat out, but you need to master diabetes Avoid high-sugar, high-fat, and high-salt foods, and choose foods rich in high-quality protein in moderation, as well as suitable vegetables, salads, whole-wheat bread, etc., to ensure nutritional balance.

    When eating out, the food is often oily and high in calories. You can rinse the oil with boiling water before eating to reduce the amount of calories. Intake, the amount of food should still be in accordance with the amount of meals on weekdays. It is enough to eat an appropriate amount of lean shredded pork or sliced ​​meat at each meal, and some pure vegetables or cold dishes should be eaten.

    At the same time, it is necessary to master the time of eating and taking medicine, as usual, with regular, quantitative, fixed meals, and taking medicine regularly, so that even if you eat out, It can also stabilize blood sugar.

    Of course, it is more difficult to control blood sugar than eating at home, so you must pay more attention.

    If you have one or more of the above 8 eating mistakes, be sure to adjust them as soon as possible.

    Author: Guo Yupei, Deputy Chief Nurse of Jiyuan People’s Hospital