The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Dongxing District, Neijiang City launched the activities of nutrition and health classes on campus

May 20th is the 33rd “May 20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day. The theme of this year’s activity is “Knowing Nutrition Society Movement” Prevent obesity and promote health”. In order to further publicize the knowledge of nutrition and health, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Dongxing District, Neijiang City launched a nutrition and health class into the campus activity on May 19 at the No. 13 Primary School in Neijiang City.

Comrade Huang Yan of Dongxing District Center for Disease Control and Prevention focused on the theme of the activity, from eating five kinds of vegetables every day, choosing snacks reasonably, eating less processed food with high fat, high salt and high sugar, drinking enough water or drinking less sugar The six parts of drinking, exercising together, and getting enough sleep are explained with pictures and texts.

Huang Yan also introduced to the students the 2022 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the 2022 edition of the Chinese Residents’ Balanced Diet Pagoda, and how to understand food nutrition labels, choose healthy food, and enjoy a healthy life.

In class, students actively answer questions. Information such as leaflets and posters on nutrition and health knowledge were also distributed on the spot.

In recent years, the dental caries rate and obesity rate of students have increased rapidly. Through this nutrition and health class entering the campus activity, it will help students to understand nutrition and health knowledge, cultivate healthy eating habits, learn to choose healthy meals, and promote Nutrient enhancement.

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