Rumors | Eat a vitamin a day to keep fit? may do more harm than good

Many people say that taking a vitamin tablet every day can strengthen your body, even if your body is not lacking, it is not harmful to eat it. Is this really the case?

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Vitamin is a kind of low-molecular-weight organic compound necessary to maintain the normal physiological function of the human body, and it cannot be synthesized or synthesized in the body. Very small and must be provided by food. Vitamins neither constitute the components of the body, nor are they energy-supplying substances, but they play an extremely important role in nurturing life, growth and development, regulating the metabolism of human substances, maintaining normal physiological functions, and preventing and treating diseases.

What would we do if we were deficient in vitamins? Vitamin A deficiency can cause dryness and desquamation, corneal dryness, and blurred vision; vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to confusion, neurological disorders; vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to pale conjunctiva, cracked corners of the eyes, red and swollen eyelids, red, swollen and chapped lips, and angular stomatitis ; Vitamin B6 deficiency can lead to dry and chapped lips; Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to neurological diseases such as neuritis; Niacin deficiency can lead to pellagra, thin skin, dermatitis, cracked eye corners, eyelid swelling, glossitis, angular stomatitis, confusion ; Folic acid deficiency can lead to glossitis; vitamin C deficiency can lead to petechiae, ecchymosis, bleeding gums; vitamin K deficiency can lead to petechiae, ecchymosis.

Can I take one vitamin a day?

Although vitamins are a type of trace organic substances that maintain the normal physiological functions of humans and animals, vitamin tablets are acidic, and long-term use may irritate the gastric mucosa. , which will lead to the secretion of excessive gastric acid and cause acid reflux. In addition, it will increase the burden on the kidneys and affect the function of the kidneys. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat it every day.

If men took more than 20 milligrams of vitamin B6 supplements per day, or more than 55 micrograms of vitamin B12, they had a 10-year risk of developing lung cancer, study found will double. If they also smoke, the risk is 3 to 4 times higher than the average person. The research results of the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that patients who took vitamin E for nearly 7 years not only did not significantly reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, but increased the risk of heart failure.

A normal person can obtain vitamins from food to meet the body’s needs and does not require special supplements. For people who are deficient in vitamins, it is necessary to identify the specific type of vitamin deficiency and supplement them reasonably under the guidance of a doctor. In daily life, it can be supplemented through food, and you can also take a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and other vitamins as prescribed by a doctor.

In summary, for healthy people, long-term high-dose dietary vitamin preparations may do more harm than good. Dietary vitamin supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet, nor are they used to prevent chronic disease. We should combine regular physical activity, a plant-based diet, limiting ethanol intake, and smoking bans with moderate intake of dietary vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent disease and prolong life.

Source: Scientific Rumor Platform Shangguan News People’s Network Xiaoxiang Morning News