Experts from Shanghai Aid to Yunnan ignite the hope of children’s “heart” in the frontier

This article is reprinted from: People’s Daily Online-Yunnan Channel

“Nanna, are you at home?” Dr. Ding Heyuan, the leader of the Lingxian medical team and an expert in endocrinology, once again came to Brother Huang’s house in Longxin Village, Longxin Township, Longling County. I saw Brother Huang’s 2.5-year-old daughter Nannan (pseudonym) jumping out of the room and throwing herself into Dr. Ding Heyuan’s arms: “Auntie!” “Nannan, I haven’t seen you for a long time, Auntie to see if she has gained weight. ?” An innocent smile appeared on Nannan’s face. Who would have thought that two months ago, she was still a child with congenital heart disease and tetralogy of Fallot who was breathing heavily after walking a few steps.

Dr. Ding Heyuan paid a return visit to Xiao Nannan. Photo by Yang Shaoxin

“I sincerely thank Dr. Ding for helping my family Nannan to contact experts in Beijing for free surgery, as well as doctors from Longling County People’s Hospital, who have saved my family’s life time and time again.” Huang Big brother said.

What makes Brother Huang thank you? Things have to start from four months ago.

In January this year, the Shanghai Fifth Hospital Aid Long Medical Team and Longling County People’s Hospital went to 10 townships and towns in the county for medical treatment. During the return visit to the seriously ill patients in Longxin Township, they came to the home of Brother Huang, who had family difficulties. . It turned out that two years ago, Brother Huang’s wife suffered severe eclampsia and cerebral hemorrhage when she was 8 months pregnant. She was rushed to Longling County People’s Hospital for cesarean section, intracranial hematoma removal and other surgeries, and she was rescued in ICU after surgery. It took more than 40 days to save a life, but the child Nannan was found to have congenital heart disease and tetralogy of Fallot just 10 days after he was born. The successive illnesses made the family that was not wealthy even worse, and the meager income was even more difficult to bear the huge cost of surgery. Brother Huang had to take the child home first.

Recently, Nan Nan often has trouble falling asleep at night, with blue fingers (cyanosis), dark lips, and a thin body. In order to breathe easier, he often sits and sits. Seeing that Nannan’s condition was getting worse, the family also thought of some solutions, but no suitable way was found. Fortunately, Nannan met Dr. Ding Heyuan.

“My nephew also has congenital heart disease. As a family member of a child with congenital heart disease, I wanted to help Nan Nan when I met her. Considering her condition and family conditions, I wanted to find the best solution for her. A good doctor, and at the same time not letting her spend a penny, that was my goal at the time.” said Dr. Ding Heyuan.

Nannan’s Tetralogy of Fallot is a serious heart malformation in congenital heart disease. This operation is more complicated and riskier than general congenital heart disease surgery. If surgery is not performed in time, the mortality rate within three years of age will reach 70% to 80%, and there will be life-threatening risks at any time. To this end, Dr. Ding Heyuan immediately inquired about the surgical channels. After detailed investigation and repeated comparison, two treatment options were screened out for Brother Huang’s family to choose.

Finally, on March 20th, through Yue Xiaoqiang, director of the China Charity Federation’s First Lottery Love Fund Management Committee, Baoshan Red Cross Society, and Longling County Red Cross Society’s joint charity action, it was connected to the Chinese Charity Federation. Professor Ye Weihua, Director of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, People’s Liberation Army General Hospital, Nannan successfully performed the surgical treatment.

“I feel very honored to be able to help the children in the frontier as far as I can during the period of assisting Longling County. Now, seeing Nannan’s lively appearance, I sincerely thank Professor Ye, Director Yue, and for helping her along the way. everyone.” Ding Heyuan said. (Yang Shaoxin, Ye Limin)