Where the blood stasis is, there is the disease! A cold dish every day, a method of rubbing the abdomen, so that the blood is alive, the three burners are unobstructed!

Blood stasis

Blood stasis is a common hidden danger that affects the health of contemporary people. Common diseases such as coronary heart disease and carotid plaque in middle-aged and elderly people are actually related to blood stasis. Today, experts will share a 1+1>2 blood-activating method, which can treat blood stasis in the upper, middle and lower Sanjiao.

Case: Auntie Wang, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and pulmonary fibrosis for more than 20 years. In the worst case, 7 tubes of effusion were pumped out of her knees. She was unable to walk and gasped when she moved. In past experience, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis is an irreversible disease, but Director Zhang grasped the common pathogenesis of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and rheumatoid arthritis – blood stasis, and adopted “1+1>2” “Blood-activating method”, after 4 years of treatment, Aunt Wang stopped all drugs, and the disease did not recur.

The dysfunction of the viscera will cause blood stasis, which in turn will affect the operation of the meridians, resulting in the obstruction of the meridians and the loss of nourishment for the viscera. Therefore, blood stasis is both a cause and a pathological product.

In different parts of blood stasis, the focus of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis will also be different.

Shangjiao heart and lungs, lungs govern qi, heart governs blood vessels, and two viscera all need qi and blood to run smoothly, so the secret to treating blood stasis in Shangjiao lies in the word “xing”. Qi movement is blood movement, and Citrus aurantium is a classic medicine for regulating Qi, widening the middle, stagnation and reducing swelling. Using it in combination with blood-activating medicine can achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

Representative: Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction

[Composition] peach kernel, safflower, angelica, raw rehmannia, hyssop, chuanxiong, platycodon, red peony, citrus aurantium, licorice, bupleurum

Peach kernels, safflower plus Siwu Decoction (Angelica sinensis, Rehmannia glutinosa, Chuanxiong, Chishao) to promote blood circulation, Sinisan (Chishao, Citrus, Licorice, Bupleurum) to invigorate Qi, Platycodon grandiflorum to disperse lung-happy Qi, induce The medicine goes up; Achyranthes tonifies the spleen and kidney, the medicine goes down, and the ascending and descending is orderly, so that the Qi can be moved, the blood can be activated, and the blood stasis can be dissolved. Treating heart and lung diseases by removing blood stasis by activating Qi.

Prescriptions should be prescribed by a doctor.

People who are prone to chest tightness, shortness of breath, suffocation and other people with blood stasis in the heart and lungs can eat some perilla at home.

Perilla salad

[Ingredients] 50 grams of perilla leaves, 30 grams of celery, 30 grams of black fungus, 5 grams of onion (the ratio can be adjusted according to your own preferences and body constitution)

【Practice】Cut celery, shred onion, dice fungus, chop basil, add vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, minced garlic and mix well to eat.

Perilla is a pungent and warm-relieving medicine, which can dispel cold, and at the same time can also disperse the lungs and promote qi to widen the middle; Hemostasis, but also blood pressure; onion can warm the blood, but also lower blood lipids.

Director Zhang eats such a plate of cold salad every day, and also uses perilla to soak in water to prevent blood stasis.

Case: Aunt Li, the stomach is uncomfortable after eating cold, often stomach bloating and acidity and heartburn. After eating, she will keep hiccups, which is very painful. She has been diagnosed with chronic atrophic gastritis by gastroscope and colonoscopy. Director Zhang It is believed that the main disease of atrophic gastritis is qi stagnation and blood stasis. Aunt Li also used the 1+1>2 blood-activating method. After only two visits, her condition was relieved.

The manifestation of blood stasis in the middle Jiao

Abdominal tingling or distending pain, increased pain after pressing, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, dark complexion, wrong skin nails, dark purple lips and nails.

The secret of treating middle-jiao blood stasis lies in “regulating”, regulating the spleen and stomach, regulating deficiency and excess, and regulating qi. Cyperus officinalis is a qi medicine in the blood, which can pass through the qi mechanism of the twelve meridians, and has the functions of promoting qi, relieving depression, regulating menstruation and relieving pain.

Representative: Gexia Zhuyu Decoction

[Composition] Wulingzhi, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, peach kernel, Danpi, red peony root, black medicine, Yuanhu, licorice, Cyperus officinalis, safflower, citrus aurantium

As long as the compatibility is reasonable, it is effective for the deficiency of the spleen and stomach, but the prescription should be used according to the doctor’s advice.

Abdominal massage method of famous old Chinese medicine

Director Zhang’s father is Zhang Binghou, a national-level famous old Chinese doctor. Zhang often does a set of abdominal massage exercises to help activate qi, activate blood and dredge collaterals, and regulate various spleen and stomach discomforts.

Put both hands on the abdomen, women’s right hand on top, and men’s left hand on top, rubbing the abdomen.


The method of diarrhea: rub the stomach from right to left for 36 circles to treat bloating, bowel obstruction and constipation;


Replenishing method: rub the stomach from left to right for 36 circles to treat spleen deficiency, diarrhea, and easy diarrhea;

Lower scorch liver and kidney, kidney is the innate foundation, which hides the fire of life, can warm the internal organs, long-term illness and long-term blood stasis will eventually damage the kidney.

Diseases related to blood stasis in the Lower Jiao

diabetic nephropathy, prostatic hypertrophy, senile diabetes insipidus, lumbar disc herniation, osteoporosis, osteoarthropathy.

The manifestation of blood stasis in the lower Jiao

Aversion to wind and cold, soreness and pain in waist and knees, tingling pain in urination, cold and astringent pain, menstrual disorders, cold pain in lower abdomen or lumps, and wrong skin

The secret to the treatment of blood stasis under the Jiao lies in “warming”. And cinnamon can supplement the fire and help the yang, warm the meridians, dispel cold and relieve pain, and fragrant, and use it and the blood-activating medicine partner to treat the blood stasis of lower scorch, the effect is 1+1>2.

Representative: Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction

【Wentongxuemai】cinnamon, cumin, dried ginger

[Promoting blood and regulating qi] Puhuang, Wulingzhi, Chuanxiong, Yuanhu, Myrrh

【Nourishing blood and removing blood stasis】Angelica sinensis, red peony

Prescriptions should be prescribed by a doctor.

Source: Health Talk