Wife suffered from third-hand smoke for a long time, and was also diagnosed with lung cancer after her husband suffered from lung cancer

Recently, a woman in Henan discovered that she had lung cancer during a physical examination. After inquiring, the doctor learned that the woman’s husband smoked for a long time and was diagnosed with lung squamous cell carcinoma a few years ago. So what is third-hand smoke, and is smoking the cause of cancer in women? Can lung cancer be contagious between husband and wife,

First, third-hand smoke refers to tobacco smoke residues that remain on surfaces such as clothing, walls, carpets, furniture, and even hair and skin after a smoker has ‘puffed up’. Also known as involuntary smoking, it is a passive smoking method, and it is also the most extensive and serious indoor air pollution. These cigarette residues will continue to release coal tar and carcinogens such as benzopyrene, making cigarettes more harmful.

Secondly, in recent years, the incidence of lung cancer in many women, especially some women who do not smoke, has also increased. What is going on? In fact, if you examine the lives of these patients, you will find that Although they do not smoke, they are not in contact with cigarettes. They are often infested by second-hand and even third-hand smoke. Whether it is at home or in public places, as long as someone smokes, it may cause other non-smokers in the same place to get sick. rate increased.

Finally, can there be cancer transmission between husband and wife? This does not occur in lung cancer, but family gatherings may occur, usually due to the same living habits and exposure to similar carcinogens. Smoking is one of the important reasons. Some cancers are related to the infection of certain pathogens, which may lead to the same tumor due to mutual infection of pathogens. For example, hepatitis B can lead to liver cancer, and EB virus can lead to lymphoma. But this is rare.