Sichuan’s first batch of “full vision presbyopia correction surgery demonstration bases” settled in Chengdu

Cover reporter Zeng Ya

In recent years, the number of middle-aged and elderly people “touching the Internet” has been increasing. According to the 47th “Statistical Report on Internet Development in China” issued by the China Internet Network Information Center, there are about 110 million netizens over the age of 60 in my country, accounting for 11.2% of the total number of netizens. The addition of middle-aged and elderly people to the army of netizens is beneficial to timely access to news and information and to enrich their later years, but it also imposes a great burden on the eyes, accelerates the aging of the eyes, and causes cataracts, presbyopia and other eye diseases.

On May 21, the awarding ceremony of Sichuan’s first batch of “Demonstration Bases for Presbyopia Correction Surgery” was held in Chengdu TCM Dayinhai Eye Hospital. It is understood that presbyopia is medically known as “presbyopia”, which is mainly an eye disease caused by the physiological weakening of the ocular adjustment function caused by the increase of age. In the past, most patients would choose to wear reading glasses, but with the innovative development of ophthalmic technology, cataract, presbyopia and other problems can now be solved through surgery.

At the awarding site, the reporter interviewed some old patients. Mr. Zha, 79, is a researcher of an academy of sciences in the province. He said that he has been troubled by cataracts and presbyopia since 2019, and he dared not go out alone. I can’t continue my work, and I feel dizzy from time to time, which greatly affects my work efficiency and quality of life. “Now that the operation is done, not only does the eyes return to a younger state, but it seems that people have become younger, and the work efficiency has improved a lot!” Mr. Cha told reporters.

The famous ophthalmologist Duan Junguo said: “In the future, the base will continue to focus on the establishment of standardized procedures, clinical personnel training, scientific patient education and other aspects, to pass on new scientific methods of correcting presbyopia, and at the same time integrate traditional Chinese and Western medicine. It provides full vision and high-quality eye health services for the people of Bashu, and actively responds to every appeal of patients.”

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