Research: This ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine can prolong life. Eating 5 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine can prolong life and resist aging.

For a long time, the theory that traditional Chinese medicine is useless prevailed because the ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine were too complex. A traditional Chinese medicine contains ingredients that are beneficial to the human body and harmful to the human body. This is also why some people have not been optimistic about traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. s reason.

But with the development of science and technology and the improvement of equipment, the components of traditional Chinese medicine can also be extracted one by one, among which the There are studies on the traditional Chinese medicine Psoraleae. Chinese scientists have found through mouse experiments that the traditional Chinese medicine Psoralea contains a compound that can be used to prolong the lifespan of mice on a high-fat diet. What is going on? The family doctor will take everyone to take a look.

“Nature”: Chinese medicine Psoralea contains ingredients that can prolong life

It is difficult to pursue immortality.

The pursuit of longevity is still a bit of a chance.

Longevity is the only constant goal that people have pursued since ancient times.

In order to prolong life, people of every age have sought various methods, but most of them have been falsified. At the beginning of May 2022, Chinese scientists published a study in the sub-journal of “Nature”, claiming that a life-extending ingredient was found in the traditional Chinese medicine Psoralea. Diseases are important.

Research Screenshot

In the early stage of the experiment, the research team studied the classical Chinese medicine in my country, And using the MEP system to find this traditional Chinese medicine Psoralea, which has the effect of prolonging life in the Pharmacopoeia. They then isolated a number of compounds in Psoralea and identified one of them, Corylin, that extended lifespan in aged mice by targeting the Gtr1 protein.

In order to verify this conclusion, the research team selected 33 single-flavored Chinese medicines and 6 traditional Chinese medicine formulations, which were used in aged mice on a high-fat diet and aged mice on a high-quality diet. The results showed that the ethanolic crude extract of Psoralea had a more obvious effect on aged mice fed a high-fat diet, and could prolong the replication lifespan of budding yeast.

Screenshot of the research results

In order to clarify which ingredients can prolong life, the research team began to supplement The components of bone fat were separated, and it was found that the n-ethane extract extended the replication lifespan of yeast through a Tor1-dependent pathway. Among them, Corylin and new psoralen isoflavones significantly increase the replication lifespan of yeast in the maternal enrichment program system, so it is believed that Corylin is an important active component of psoralen, which can bind to Gtr1 protein and inhibit Tor1 pathway activity , extending the replicative lifespan of yeast.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Recommendation: The “Top Grade” in 5 Chinese Medicines

Although scientists have discovered longevity components in Psoraleae, there are still many unknown components in this Chinese medicine. It has not been discovered, so it is not recommended for everyone to take it blindly. In daily health care, traditional Chinese medicine recommends the “top grade” of these five traditional Chinese medicines.

1, wolfberry

The price of wolfberry fruit is relatively close to the people, and can play a role in nourishing the liver, kidney, essence and blood. Long-term use can delay the arrival of aging, prolong life, and enhance resistance. In addition, wolfberry can also fight arteriosclerosis, help lower blood sugar levels, and facilitate liver cell regeneration and repair.

2. Astragalus

The biggest effect of Astragalus is to invigorate qi, especially to invigorate the spleen and qi. Correct use of Astragalus can protect the spleen and stomach, maintain normal transportation and transformation functions, and transport nutrients to various parts of the body. Medicine now shows that astragalus can expand coronary arteries, provide enough blood and oxygen to the heart muscle, enhance resistance, and delay cell aging.

3. Ginseng

In terms of anti-aging, anti-fatigue, or anti-oxidation, ginseng can achieve the same effect optimal. Ginseng can boost vitality, help prolong life, and slow down the rate of aging.

4. Lingzhi

Ganoderma lucidum can nourish qi, nourish liver qi, help regulate the nervous system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system, etc., thereby prolonging life.

5, Panax notoginseng

Not only can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but also nourish qi, blood and Tonic. Panax notoginseng is also anti-aging and anti-oxidant, which is mainly due to the ginsenosides in it. Modern medicine believes that Panax notoginseng can expand the blood vessels of the whole body, reduce vascular resistance, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, and at the same time reduce capillary permeability, and effectively prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.

Message from the doctor

In addition to the above several traditional Chinese medicines, there are many Chinese medicines that can To the effect of prolonging life, including Acanthopanax senticosus, Rhodiola rosea and Gynostemma pentaphyllum, etc., which traditional Chinese medicine should be selected should be dialectically administered according to the constitution under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine.

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