Why are more and more patients treated? The former Deputy Minister of Health summed up 6 golden words for disease prevention, which are worth pondering

Sister Zhang took her mother to the hospital to see a doctor. As soon as she entered the outpatient hall, she saw that the hospital was almost overcrowded, and there were long queues at the registration office and medicine collection office. There were many people sitting on the corridor outside each clinic, and everyone in the hospital seemed to be in a hurry, going back and forth between the hospitals.

Sister Zhang found the corresponding department, sat and waited outside the door, and said to her mother, “Look, there are so many people in the hospital.”

Sister Zhang’s mother said: “If you are not feeling well, you must go to the doctor. Besides, now you have to go to the hospital if you have minor pain or illness. In the past, no one dared to go to the hospital to see a doctor.”


“Now that medicine is so advanced, diseases that were not seen before can be seen. Especially in big hospitals, everyone wants to go to big hospitals to see a doctor.” A person next door The uncle couldn’t help but talk.

Sister Zhang sighed: “I don’t know why so many people get sick every day? It would be great if this person didn’t get sick! How much money does it cost to get sick? It’s really uncomfortable.”

1. Medicine is getting more and more developed, why are patients more and more more and more?

Nowadays, people’s lives are getting better and society is making continuous progress, but there are hidden worries behind this “prosperity”. We can see that chronic diseases are getting younger and younger, and those in hospitals The number of patients is also increasing.

In this regard, Professor Hua Baojin from Guang’anmen Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences thinks: Although for doctors, there are more and more patients who deliberately seek medical treatment for themselves, which can reflect to a certain extent that the doctor’s medical skills have a good reputation and are recognized by patients. However, from the perspective of the whole country, the increasing number of patients actually also shows that the development of medicine has entered a misunderstanding, that is, the emphasis is on treatment and less on prevention.

And Yin Dakui, former Deputy Minister of Health also said:Only cure can not prevent, the more the cure, the busier. Only cure can not prevent, spend money panic. Only incurable, painful and sad.

Many patients spend money and energy on treatment when it is absolutely necessary, but at this time the medical expenses are often higher. If you can do preventive work in advance, you can not only avoid pain, but also save a lot of medical expenses.

In addition, it is a pity for some terminally ill patients to choose to end their lives. This pain can be avoided to a large extent.

Yin Dakui said, Health depends on your own efforts, and health is in your own hands. How to prevent it?

Second, Yin Dakui has 6 golden words for disease prevention, which makes people wake up

< p>If you are sick, you should seek medical attention in time. This is the truth that everyone understands, but many people ignore the importance of early prevention. If you don’t pay attention to the prevention of disease, the disease can’t be cured!

1. Talk about sleep: rest when it’s time to rest

Yin Dakui emphasizes that it’s time to rest When you need a good rest, you can’t use sleep in exchange for work. Because of work, Yin Dakui needs to run all over the country, but no matter how busy he is, he will fall asleep at 11:30, and he will take a nap at noon if conditions permit.

Sleep and disease Close relationship, long-term poor sleep is an important reason for the occurrence of the disease, but also affects the treatment effect after the occurrence of the disease.

The three internationally recognized health standards are adequate sleep, balanced diet and proper exercise, but more and more people have problems such as staying up late and insomnia. Long-term lack of sleep is harmful to the body. Common diseases that can be caused include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and so on.

2. Talk about weight: don’t restrict your diet when you’re fat

Yin Dakui has kept this standard weight unchanged for 20 years, and the secret of his weight maintenance is to pay attention to his weight and to be able to adjust his diet and exercise at any time according to the weight change, Avoid the problem of losing weight after fat accumulation.

Our body mass index BMI should be kept at a normal level, usually a BMI of 18.5-23.9 is a healthy range, a BMI ≥ 24 indicates overweight, ≥ 28 indicates obesity, and <18.5 is too thin.

The main reason why most people are slightly overweight is that they consume too much calories, eat too much salt, and eat too much fat. You should always pay attention to your weight changes, and don’t wait until you gain weight to lose weight.

3. Talk about diet: eat “grass” first

Yin Dakui’s eating habit for many years is to “eat grass first”, but this grass is not real grass, but a vegetarian diet with meat and vegetables, fresh vegetables It can provide people with the required vitamins and cellulose, and it is also a scavenger for the stomach and intestines.

The daily diet should be diversified, Yin Dakui emphasized: eat everything, eat nothing, which meansEat whatever you don’t like, and don’t eat as much as you like.

4. Talking about exercise: keep walking

Yin Dakui every day Taking time to walk for exercise, usually 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, this kind of walking exercise has almost become a conscious behavior of Yin Dakui, and he does not fall off a day.

Nowadays, Yin Dakui still has strong legs and a very straight body. He said that when people get older,it is even more important to maintain the correctness of exercise into their daily life. If they are not careful, they may have joint problems. , such as long bone spurs or hunchback, may affect cardiopulmonary function.

Walking is the easiest regimen, and the benefits of regular walking include preventing cardiovascular disease, building muscle strength, eliminating fatigue, improving health, and more. But don’t ignore your physical state in order to pursue the number of walks.

5. Talk about medication: use less antibiotics strong>

The abuse of antibiotics seems to have become a common phenomenon, but as the saying goes: drugs are three-potential, and over-reliance on drugs is not conducive to the recovery of immunity, and may also cause liver damage. Antibiotics have two disadvantages: drug resistance and damage to the intestinal microecology. Overuse may make cells continue to resist and accelerate the development of super-resistant Drug bacteria, and ultimately no cure.

Yin Dakui said that the human body has a set of microorganisms that adapt to the host and the external environment, and we must protect our micro-ecology from damage.

From the name point of view,drug names with “floxacin”, “cycline”, “penem”, ” Cephalosporin”, “cillin”, “mycin”, “sulfanilamide”, etc. are all antibiotics and should be taken according to the doctor’s advice.

6. Talking about drinking water: the older people are, the more they should pay attention to drinking water< /span>

The older you are, the more you should pay attention to drinking water. Due to the gradual failure of the organs of the elderly, the body’s sensitivity to water shortage will be much lower than that of young people, etc. When thirsty, the cells in the body are often severely dehydrated, so the elderly should drink water when they are not thirsty.

Yin Dakui said that he didn’t drink water before going out of the clinic, and he saw a few more patients. Now he tries to drink water every half an hour.

Drinking water is very important in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, thinning blood and replenishing water. According to the recommendations of the 2022 Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, adult men with low physical activity levels should drink 1,700ml of water per day, and adult women should drink 1,500ml of water per day.

Third, these “healthy” lifestyles may destroy your health

Some people who think they are healthy lifestyles are in fact blind and unhealthy.

1. Drink yogurt to digest food after meals

Dietitian Li Yuanyuan span> pointed out that many people now drink yogurt or lactic acid bacteria after meals, thinking that it can strengthen the stomach and digestion, but in fact, eating yogurt or lactic acid bacteria after a full meal has little effect on digestion, and yogurt or lactic acid bacteria are full of Strong stomach feeling, drinking after a meal will make you feel fuller, which will add extra calories.

2. The longer the soup is cooked, the more nutritious it will become

I heard and drink Soup can be healthy, and the soup is boiled slowly, the thicker it is, the higher the nutrition.

In this regard, Guan Yang, Department of Nutrition, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, believes that the nutrition of the soup has nothing to do with the cooking time. Studies have shown that the longer the soup is boiled, the higher the purine content, which may cause hyperuricemia and gout.

3. Massage the cervical spine to cure cervical spondylosis strong>

Dr. Wang Xiaoheng from the Third People’s Hospital of Chenzhou City, Hunan Province said that cervical spondylosis is a common disease. It will feel comfortable in a short time, but in the long run, it will destroy the stability of the cervical spine, and may even accelerate the problem of disc degeneration and herniation. It is best to go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment.

Although the level of medical technology is improving, in this era of “talking about cancer discoloration” and serious chronic diseases, the number of patients is still increasing, can we stop? Think about it, can the prevention of disease also not be ignored?


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