103-year-old mother-in-law has cataract surgery

“In the past, I needed someone to help me from the bedroom to the toilet. Now I can dress and eat by myself. The ability to take care of myself has been greatly improved, and the quality of life has also made a qualitative leap!” On May 17, Pengzhou People’s Hospital ushered in A family of “new fans”. It turned out that not long ago, the 103-year-old mother-in-law Yang came to the hospital for cataract surgery. She recovered well after the operation and was accompanied by her family for a review. During the period, mother-in-law Yang and her family kept praising the doctors for their medical skills.

On May 11th, Grandma Yang came to Pengzhou People’s Hospital for the first time for examination, and the diagnosis was “Both senile cataracts”. “And hospitalized. “Considering that Granny Yang was older, we immediately organized a surgical risk assessment, requiring doctors and nurses to be more careful in perioperative management and infection prevention before and after surgery,” said Liang Yong, director of the Department of Ophthalmology. After the preoperative preparations were completed, Liang Yong communicated with his family fully. On May 13, Liang Yong personally led the doctor in charge Xiang Yanzhao to perform cataract surgery on his mother-in-law under local anesthesia. The postoperative recovery was good, and Granny Yang recovered and was discharged from the hospital two days later.

“The hospital’s phacoemulsification technology has the advantages of simple anesthesia, small tissue damage, no need for sutures, short operation time, and visual acuity. It has the advantages of quick recovery and small corneal astigmatism.” Liang Yong introduced. “Mother Yang came back for a follow-up 4 days after the operation, and her vision has recovered to 0.15. After one week of mother-in-law, the inflammation of the eye wound has completely disappeared, her vision is expected to return to 0.2-0.3, and her self-care ability will be better.”

“It’s very relaxing, and the overall feeling is quite comfortable. It’s very different from the surgery I imagined!” Grandma Yang said cheerfully, “After the surgery, I found out that age really doesn’t matter. One surgery can bring long-term clarity. It’s really worth it!”

Photo courtesy of Huaxi Community Media reporter Zhang Li and Hu Huiyuan Hospital

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