World champion group live broadcast as “private education”! Shanghai Jiaotong University’s “Teacher Team” is on, leading the students to “move” together

During the epidemic, college students spend a lot of time in bed and study at their desks. “Want to exercise” has become the voice of many students.

The Sports Health Engineering Center of the Department of Physical Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the Sports Translational Medicine Center of the Institute of Systems Biomedicine, in order to explore the possible effects of changes in the learning and living environment on students’ physical and psychological conditions under the lockdown Through the form of electronic questionnaires, the students’ physical activity, sleep and psychological changes have been investigated since the early days of school closure.

In the “Investigation Report on the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Mental Health of College Students”, it was found that students with high levels of physical activity had better sleep and psychological performance ; while students with low levels of physical activity have more or less difficulties.

How to keep students physically and mentally healthy in a limited space? Shanghai Jiaotong University Academic Committee, School Youth League Committee and Department of Physical Education jointly launched a series of activities for the dormitory exercise guide of SJTU’s “epidemic” fitness live broadcast class. The world champion teachers of sports have given exercise classes at station B, let’s exercise together!

After the suggestion of the live broadcast was put forward, young teachers such as Zhu Xiaodong, Suilu, Zhang Qianqian, Chen Tianle and Liu Chang responded immediately. They were all once world champions in different sports such as gymnastics, track and field, and martial arts. . They said – “Serve students, I can!” “Although I haven’t broadcast live, but I study hard!” In less than half a day, a group of anchor teachers composed of champion teachers was successfully formed.

I tried the live room for the first time, Everyone was a little unsure.

First of all, Yao Wu and Song Shun, two teachers who are very popular among the students, served as the anchors, and the students spontaneously set up working groups such as the technical group, information group, and observation group. There were four trial broadcasts in 2 days. These anchor teachers conduct a “stress test”. During each live broadcast, teachers and students “relentlessly” “prick”, from the location of the tables and chairs, lighting angles, sound volume to the image of the anchor, without letting go of any detail. .

After the live broadcast, the work team immediately held a “review meeting”, which started at 9:30 p.m. The resumption meeting often lasts into the middle of the night. The content of the live broadcast has also been continuously upgraded from the original version, from the initial 30-minute pure action exercise to the current punctual launch at 8:30 pm every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, including action follow-up exercises, health tips, sports tips, lucky interactions, and WeChat groups. Systematic live broadcast framework for chatting and other links.

In the live broadcast, some students and teachers pointed out that the lack of sports is also a problem for colleges and universities. The common problem faced by students is whether they can radiate more people.

Therefore, Cheng Shulin, chair professor of the Sports Health Engineering Center of the Department of Physical Education, took the lead, the Youth League Committee and the backbone teachers of the Department of Physical Education participated in the The working team carefully designs and polishes the design and scheme of live broadcast courses, live broadcast to the whole society.

Cheng Shulin, Chair Professor of Jiaotong University and Director of the Sports Health Engineering Center of the School of Physical Education, personally took the lead in the live broadcast room. The “screen group” team has integrated many “golden knowledge” such as sports health and reasonable diet into the barrage interaction.

Special focusHow to exercise in a small space, how to prevent sports injuries, and how to coordinate sports reasonably Meals and other questions that matter most of the time are answered.

7 live broadcasts, a total of 800 minutes of live broadcast communication, covering nearly 5,000 students, and the offline WeChat group also accumulated nearly 300 loyal fans. “This live broadcast is so good, just watch it if you have nothing to do, follow the exercise, and communicate with the teacher about your fitness.” “After exercising, you sleep better.” “Slightly sweating, and your appetite has improved!” /p>

Author: Jiang Peng

Editor: Jiang Peng< /p>

Responsible editor: Fan Liping

*Wenhui’s exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting .