Discharged and medical staff returned to the community to be sprayed with disinfectant? City disease control response; community vaccination clinics resume one after another

Today at 10:00 am

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New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference

Latest “three districts” division

< strong>The 1,907 closures and control areas involve about 480,000 people

Deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission Zhao Dandan announced on May 22 , Shanghai added 55 local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 503 local asymptomatic infections. Of the 55 local confirmed cases, 25 were found in closed-loop isolation and control, and 30 were asymptomatic infected patients and turned into confirmed cases. All 503 local asymptomatic infections were found in closed-loop isolation control. As of 24:00 on May 22, 135 severe patients and 38 critically ill patients had been treated in designated medical institutions. (details)

On May 22, 1 new local death case, female, 93 years old, combined He had underlying diseases such as arrhythmia, severe hypertension, anxiety, and depressive disorders. After admission, he died of sudden acute myocardial infarction and failed rescue efforts. This death was not vaccinated against COVID-19.

As of 9:00 on May 23: The whole city has investigated a total of 942,195 close contacts in Shanghai. All people have been put under control.

Yesterday, 235 local confirmed cases in the city were discharged from hospital, and 2,784 asymptomatic infections were released from centralized isolation and medical observation, and they will return to their place of residence to receive treatment Health monitoring, the community is requested to properly do the pick-up work.

Recently, this city has continued to carry out the combined screening of “antigen + nucleic acid” based on the division of the three zones. According to the screening results, on May 22, the city was divided into 1,907 closed and controlled areas, involving a population of about 480,000 people; 9,064, involving a population of about 1.59 million; 60,781 prevention zones, involving a population of about 21.2 million.

9,617,700 doses of COVID-19 vaccine for people aged 60 and over in Shanghai

Community vaccination clinics are recovering one after another

Currently the city’s elderly COVID-19 vaccination rate How much? How much has the childhood immunization program resumed? Are the vaccine clinics of the community health service centers open for appointments?

Zhao Dandan, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, introduced that as of May 22, people aged 60 and over had received a total of 9.6177 million doses, covering 3.7513 million people. Coverage rate 64.51%, 3.612 million people completed the whole course of vaccination, full course vaccination rate 62.11%, 228.31 people of booster immunization Ten thousand people, 39.26% coverage rate.

At present, 163 vaccination clinics in 16 districts of the city have resumed routine vaccination services, accounting for about 40% of routine vaccination clinics, including 105 community vaccination clinics, There are 26 dog injury treatment clinics, 3 BCG clinics, and 29 special-need vaccination clinics.

In order to avoid crowd gathering, community vaccination clinics mainly provide appointment vaccination services. Citizens are requested to make online appointments through the application, Health Cloud APP, etc., and pay attention to the medical institutions in a timely manner. Announcement or SMS notification, and go to replant as soon as possible according to relevant requirements.

Citizens and friends who have not been vaccinated recently, if conditions permit, please make an appointment in time to get the vaccine. Delaying vaccination does not reduce the effectiveness of the body’s response to the vaccine. During the postponement of vaccination, please maintain good hygiene and health habits, wash your hands frequently, take the initiative to monitor the health of your baby and family members, and take the initiative to measure your body temperature when you feel feverish.

Disinfectants and medical staff returned to the community to be sprayed with disinfectant?

City Disease Control: Do not spray and disinfect human body and pets span>

In the past two days, it has been reported online that some people who have been discharged from the hospital and medical staff have been sprayed with disinfectant when they return to the community. What is scientific disinfection? How do I need to sanitize after I go home?

Tian Liang, chief physician of the Disinfection and Infection Control Department of the Infectious Disease Control Center of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that disinfection has played an important role in epidemic prevention and control. But disinfectants are also double-edged swords. On the one hand, they can eliminate pathogens. On the other hand, excessive or inappropriate use can also cause damage to people and things and damage to the environment. Therefore, scientific disinfection and precise policy implementation are advocated. In daily life, some misunderstandings should be avoided:

First, do not directly use disinfectants to spray and disinfect people or pets. Disinfectants acting directly on humans or pets may cause irritation of mucous membranes such as eyes, mouth, and nose, aspiration pneumonia, skin inflammation, allergic reactions, etc., and it is difficult to ensure the use of disinfectant by one-time spray disinfection. The amount and action time cannot achieve effective disinfection.

Second, do not carry out large-scale disinfection of outdoor environments. The viral load and survival time on the surface of objects in the external environment are limited, and excessive disinfection will pollute the environment. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to carry out large-scale disinfection of the external environment such as green belts, roads, and rivers.

Thirdly, do not use chemical disinfectants for preventive disinfection of food. We can perform preventive disinfection on the outer packaging of out-of-order food. For the food itself, it is not recommended to use chemical disinfectants to sterilize, so as not to affect the food safety and taste. If the risk of contamination is high and it is indeed necessary to disinfect, you can use a fruit and vegetable disinfectant to disinfect according to the instructions for use, and then rinse with water to remove the residue.

Fourth, do not use alcohol to spray large areas for disinfection. Alcohol is flammable and explosive, and spraying alcohol on a large area is prone to danger. Generally, we can wipe and disinfect small items with alcohol.

Fifth, do not use a humidifier or watering can for air disinfection. Use a humidifier, watering can, etc. to spray disinfectant. Usually, the sprayed droplets are larger and have a short suspension time in the air, which cannot achieve the purpose of air disinfection. Preventive disinfection of indoor air in residents’ homes is still advocated by opening windows for ventilation or supplemented by mechanical ventilation.

Sixth, do not pour disinfectant or disinfectant tablets into the sewer. As long as the airflow of the sewers is not connected between the neighbors of the residential building, the risk of transmitting the virus through the sewers is very low. Therefore, do not pour a large amount of disinfectant or disinfectant tablets into the sewer to avoid corroding pipes and polluting the environment.

After returning home, first of all, you should do good hand hygiene. Use running water and hand sanitizer or soap to rub and wash your hands thoroughly. When you are not sure whether your hands are clean, Avoid touching the mouth, eyes, nose, etc. with your hands. Clothes can be hung in a ventilated place after returning home. Mobile phones, keys and other personal items, wipe and disinfect with alcohol cotton balls or disinfectant wipes. Unless there is clear contamination, it is not necessary to disinfect the soles of the shoes every day, just change the shoes at the door.

Original manuscript of Xinmin Evening News

Reporter: Zuo Yan

Video production: Situ Ruochen

Edit: Tang Mengjia