WHO: Human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus has occurred, global monkeypox cases may increase further

On the 21st local time, the World Health Organization stated that a total of 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases of monkeypox have been reported in 12 countries and regions around the world, and that human-to-human transmission of the monkeypox virus has occurred. As surveillance expands, WHO predicts that global monkeypox cases may increase further.

Many countries have successively reported confirmed cases of monkeypox

The Israeli Ministry of Health issued a statement on the 21st, confirming the first case of monkeypox in the country. The patient is a man in his 30s who recently returned to Israel from Western Europe. After coming into contact with monkeypox patients abroad, the man went to the doctor with symptoms and was diagnosed.

  • The Dutch Minister of Health said on the 21st that two confirmed cases of monkeypox have been found in the Netherlands.
  • On the 21st local time, two confirmed cases of monkeypox appeared in Berlin, the capital of Germany. The Berlin health authority said it was investigating close contacts and genetic sequencing of case samples to determine whether it was a mild West African strain or a Central African variant that can cause severe illness.
  • As of the 21st local time, after 5 suspected cases of monkeypox infection were reported in Andalusia, a total of 7 regions in Spain have reported confirmed or suspected cases of infection , a sauna in the Madrid region and a gathering in the Canary region are considered to be the source of the outbreak of monkeypox infections.

WHO: Human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus has occurred

On the 21st local time, WHO pointed out that existing information shows that it has occurred with symptomatic cases Human-to-human transmission is occurring among people who have close physical contact.

Generally, human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus is uncommon. The human-to-human transmission route includes close contact with the respiratory secretions, skin lesions or contaminated items of infected persons, and it usually takes longer face-to-face to transmit respiratory droplets.

The initial symptoms of monkeypox infection in humans include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, and swollen lymph nodes, which can later develop into a widespread rash on the face and body. Most infected people recover within a few weeks, but others become seriously ill and even die.

A picture shows you the “monkeypox” information you want to know

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The article is organized in: CCTV News, China Economic Net, Xinhua News Agency, News Network, Guangzhou Daily