All you need to know about vitamins!

A, B, C, D, E…

Speaking of vitamins, I believe everyone can think of these English letters.

However, do you know what vitamins these letters represent? What do they all do?


vitamins , formerly known as Vitamin, vitamin, is a general term for a series of organic compounds.

Vitamin is a kind of organic substance necessary to maintain human life activities, and also an important active substance to maintain human health.

Vitamins are of great significance to human health. Although they cannot directly generate energy for the human body like fats, proteins and sugars, they are the human body to metabolize substances, maintain normal physiological functions, and maintain good health. State is an indispensable and irreplaceable important nutrient.


Keep three principles in mind when taking vitamins:

Vitamin deficiency can lead to health problems

A moderate intake of vitamins keeps you healthy and strong

Excessive intake Vitamins can lead to poisoning

Diet is the main source of human intake of vitamins. Refer to the dietary recommendations of the Chinese Dietary Guidelines and maintain a scientific and balanced diet. Add extra vitamins.

Vitamin A

anti-dry eye Vitamins can enhance the body’s resistance and promote puberty growth and development.

Animal liver, dairy products, eggs, and cod liver oil are the most abundant in food, and lettuce, rapeseed, cabbage, carrot, and celery are more abundant.

Long-term vitamin A deficiency may lead to night blindness.

Vitamin B1

Anti-beriberi factor, anti-neuritis factor, has special functions in regulating sugar and fat metabolism, Promote appetite, aid digestion, protect the nervous system, and improve heart function.

In food, grains and corn have the most content, and yeast, animal liver, soybean, green vegetables and eggs have more content.

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin G, is found in yeast, vegetables, and animal livers , eggs.

A lack of vitamin B2 may lead to mouth ulcers.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the body’s resistance to disease.

Vitamin C is mostly found in fresh vegetables and fruits, with the highest content in tomatoes, citrus and grapes, and more in cabbage, spinach, celery and lettuce.

Long-term lack of vitamin C can easily lead to scurvy, which can lead to symptoms such as easy bleeding of the skin, swollen gums, and mucosal bleeding, as well as dry skin, frizzy hair, and general weakness.

Vitamin D

Calciferol helps the intestinal absorption of calcium, phosphorus, etc., and plays an important role in the calcification of bones .

Most found in cod liver oil, milk, egg yolk, and more sun exposure can also supplement vitamin D (this is the only vitamin that the human body can synthesize in small amounts).

Children who are deficient in vitamin D are prone to rickets, and adults may develop rickets and hyperhidrosis.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol, an antioxidant vitamin, protects cells from damage by strong oxidative radicals , delaying cellular senescence.

It is mostly found in sesame, peanut, milk, eggs, oysters and other foods, and is very rich in vegetable oils, such as olive oil, peanut oil, corn germ oil, etc.

Lack of vitamin E can lead to rough and loose skin, obvious pigmentation spots, and also affect women with premature ovarian failure.

Vitamins are essential micronutrients for the human body. Without them, there will be various health problems, but too much intake will also bring many health problems. harm!

Vitamin B6: Taking more than 200 mg per day will cause dependence, and even severe walking instability, Numbness of hands and feet.

Vitamin E: Eating more than 400-800 mg per day for a long time can cause headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, and even lead to Platelet aggregation causes blood clots. When long-term daily use of more thanMore than 800 mg will cause decreased immunity, bleeding, high blood pressure, diabetes, aggravated angina pectoris, and even the risk of breast cancer.

Vitamin C: The long-term daily supplement should not exceed 2 grams. Long-term high-dose use will not only cause diarrhea, Stomach bloating, kidney stones, and even vitamin deficiencies that rebound after stopping the drug.

A correct understanding of the value of vitamins is neither indispensable nor the more the better. Maintain a balanced dietary intake, so as not to be picky eaters or partial eclipse, a reasonable diet can meet the human body’s needs for various vitamins. If the body lacks a certain vitamin, be sure to take vitamin tablets, fish oil, etc. under the guidance of a doctor.

Compared to eating more vitamins, people who eat vitamins are healthier~

< p>References:

[1]. Expert consensus on the clinical application of vitamin A and vitamin D in Chinese children [J]. Chinese Journal of Child Health, 2021, 29(01): 110-116.

[2] Ma Yuan. Scientific understanding of vitamins [J]. Life World, 2010(03): 1.

[3] Zhang Dan, Qiao Lixia. Modern Correct understanding and supplement of vitamins in life[J]. .15.191.


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