The volume of prescriptions has increased by more than 10 times year-on-year, and Shanghai citizens can see doctors and dispense medicines on the cloud without leaving their homes

Provide cross-hospital follow-up, full medical insurance coverage, launch drug code and Internet drug collection window, and open Sunday online free clinic service… Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, various hospitals in Shanghai have A number of measures have been taken to accelerate the construction and development of Internet hospitals, and strive to solve problems such as difficulty in seeking medical treatment and difficulty in dispensing medicines for returning patients.

At present, there are more than 100 Internet hospitals in the city, of which 89 public Internet hospitals can provide Cross-hospital follow-up and dispensing services. The one-month-long online free online hospital clinic on Sunday is being carried out in municipal medical institutions, attracting many patients to register online for consultation.

Ren Chai Hospital

< span>Play “diagnosis + popular science” and “combination punch”

Yesterday, Themed free clinics of Renji Hospital Internet Hospital provided nearly 1,000 patients with services such as consultation, home delivery and postoperative follow-up. The first series of free clinics for key disciplines focused on problems of the urinary system, led by Xue Wei, vice president of Renji Hospital and director of the Department of Urology, and Liu Jianjun, director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, and 45 urology patients from Renji Hospital , Nuclear medicine experts and patients gather in the “cloud”, relying on the “Renji Hospital Internet Hospital” platform to provide online diagnosis and treatment services to the majority of patients, and also popularize the necessity of early screening of various common urinary tract tumors, improve tumor Patients’ awareness of regular review and self-management.

Mr. Tao (pseudonym), a patient who lives in Pujiang Town, Minhang District, has been suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia for several years. The symptoms of dysuria and increased nocturia make him miserable After explaining in detail the common symptoms and diagnosis and treatment ideas of benign prostatic hyperplasia, Xue Wei referred to Mr. Tao’s previous inspections and prescribed the right medicine. At the same time, he suggested that Mr. Tao regularly review prostate magnetic resonance every year. A set of authoritative and precise “combination punches” allows Mr. Tao said, “I feel a lot more at ease, thanks to the free clinic to solve the urgent need.”

According to the introduction of the hospital, in addition to a series of thematic free clinics for key subject groups, the rheumatology, hematology, and oncology departments of Renji Hospital Internet Hospital were regularly scheduled on Sundays. Doctors from various disciplines, including breast surgery, breast surgery, and psychological medicine, also offer free online consultations.

Tongji Hospital

“Cloud Hair Medicine” only takes 10 minutes at the fastest

Shanghai Tongji Hospital and several units in Putuo District launched the “Voluntary Service 2.0 Project of Internet Medicine Distribution for Epidemic Prevention and Control in Putuo District”. Xu Shuchang, secretary of the hospital party committee, introduced that through the delivery of medicines by “Medicine Knights”, citizens can solve basic dispensing problems without leaving their homes. The “Medicine Knights” set off after taking the citizen’s medicine bag. Orders on the day were delivered to Ganquan Road Street, Yichuan Road Street, Zhenru Town Street, Shiquan Road Street in Putuo District, Dachang Town in Baoshan District, Pengpu Town in Jing’an District, etc. Ten minutes later, Mr. Tan, who lives in a community on Zhidan Road, has received the medicine.

Shanghai Tongji Hospital Internet Hospital also opened online medicines “Cloud Consulting” service. Up to now, it has received more than 1,100 consultations of various types.

A patient after lung cancer surgery took erlotinib tablets for more than a month and developed nausea and vomiting. He asked the pharmacist through the Internet hospital if he could take it The existing omeprazole capsules at home relieve symptoms. According to the patient’s description, the pharmacist ruled out the nausea and vomiting caused by the tumor. The preliminary judgment was that it was an adverse drug reaction caused by erlotinib tablets, and antiemetic drugs were needed to relieve the symptoms. At the same time, patients are instructed not to take these two drugs at the same time, because omeprazole will increase the pH value of the stomach and reduce the efficacy of erlotinib tablets, and even if the interval is administered, the drug interaction may not be eliminated. Based on experience, the pharmacist recommended ondansetron tablets and metoclopramide tablets to the patients as antiemetics, and instructed the patients to insist on taking antitumor drugs.

Ottomatology Hospital

< span>Nearly 200 cases of cross-hospital re-examination patients received through the Internet

From May 9th, the Eye and Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University (Shanghai Ophthalmology Hospital) Internet hospital took the lead in opening the “inter-hospital follow-up consultation service”, becoming the first medical institution in the city to support cross-hospital follow-up consultation and dispensing services. As long as the patients with ENT-related diseases have medical records and medication records in the city’s medical institutions within 6 months, they can use the inter-hospital follow-up and dispensing services. President Zhou Xingtao said that in the past two weeks, nearly 200 patients have been treated across hospitals for follow-up visits, and nearly 100 online prescriptions have been issued. The hospital’s Internet hospital also pioneered the “drug code”. Scan the QR code, you can get medicines from the special window of the offline Internet hospital without entering the outpatient hall, without the medical card, and without showing the negative nucleic acid certificate.

From April 20 this year, the hospitalThe Internet Hospital has also created the “Dean 365 Hotline” to meet the needs of consultation, admission and follow-up of patients with tumors, operations and difficult diseases, and there will be professional subject groups within 24 hours Do docking. Since the hotline was opened, it has received nearly 2,000 online consultations, arranged 30 emergency inpatient surgeries and 7 outpatient surgeries, and provided other patients seeking medical help with services such as Internet medical treatment, online consultation, and offline outpatient medical appointments. The green channel for the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Xie Shirong, director of the outpatient and emergency department/Internet hospital office, said that the relevant policies of Internet hospital medical insurance are also being optimized. In order to solve the problem of “one old and one young” medical dispensing, the hospital’s Internet hospital took the lead in completing the full coverage of Shanghai’s medical insurance. Relying on the city’s “Suishen Code” kinship code model, it realized the “one old and one small” kinship code tied to the medical insurance settlement.

Yueyang Hospital

Chinese medicine experts adjust Chinese medicine prescriptions for patients

Yesterday morning, Yueyang Hospital “combines Chinese and Western, protects health” Sunday Internet Free clinics are held online. The hospital’s experts from 25 clinical departments including respiratory medicine, cardiology, neurology, hepatology, oncology, dermatology, gynecology, pediatrics, traditional medicine and so on received nearly 500 citizens and friends disease consultation and health consultation.

Li, who lives in Putuo District, suffers from chronic urticaria. After the news of the hospital’s free clinic, I immediately made an appointment for a free clinic in the dermatology department of Yueyang Hospital through the Internet. “Doctor, I have been suffering from this disease for a long time. I have been to many hospitals, and my symptoms have improved, but after taking the medicine, I feel cold all over, and my stomach is uncomfortable…” The dermatologist who received Xiao Li’s consultation on the cloud was a dermatologist. Director Li Xin, “Okay, I have a basic understanding of your situation. Now let me see your tongue coating.”

After the consultation, Li Xin The patient was diagnosed with spleen-kidney yang deficiency. He checked the Chinese medicine prescriptions issued by other hospitals before. Based on the patient’s situation, Li Xin adjusted the prescription for him, and suggested that he can dispense medicines in a hospital near his home, or outpatient clinics of Yueyang Hospital or Internet outpatient clinics. At the same time, it also guides Xiao Li’s dietary taboos and some precautions related to diseases in daily life. Yesterday morning alone, Li Xin received consultations from nearly 30 patients with skin diseases.

Healthy Cloud

241,000 prescriptions issued in the “I want to dispense” section

< span>Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Internet hospitals have been recognized by more and more Shanghai citizens for their professionalism and convenience. According to Zhao Dandan, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, Since April 1, the volume of diagnosis and treatment in Shanghai Internet hospitals has increased significantly, and the number of prescriptions is more than ten times that of the same period last year. Through the Internet hospital, the needs of the people for seeing a doctor and dispensing medicines are diverted, which relieves the pressure of hospital treatment, reduces the concentration of personnel, and reduces the risk of cross-infection.

In addition to the Internet hospitals of major medical institutions, relying on the smart Internet hospitals in the Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai), the health cloud platform also quickly opened a “I want to dispense” service area during the epidemic. The three convenient functions of “one-click prescription refill”, “revisiting and dispensing” and “online consultation” have been well received by citizens.

The latest statistics from Health Cloud show that since its opening in mid-April, the “I want to dispense medicines” area has recruited more than 600 people from public medical institutions in the city. Famous doctors and pharmacists have provided online appointment and consultation services for about 597,000 person-times, issued 241,000 prescriptions, and delivered 195,000 medicines. In the beginning, only more than 200 prescriptions were issued every day, and more than 200 medicines were delivered. Up to now, 11,000 prescriptions can be issued a day, and more than 8,000 medicines were delivered.

Gold Coast Studio

Author | Zuo Yangaoyang

Picture | Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Editor| Nintendo