8 bad habits aggravate the humidity in the body, what is humidity? How to get rid of it?

The human body is humid and hot in summer. If you feel dry and bitter in your mouth, lethargic and tired, your stomach is uncomfortable, and your body is unwell—it means you have moisture, and see if you have these eight bad habits:

Not enough sleep

From From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, lack of sleep is one of the symptoms of spleen deficiency and dampness. A good night’s sleep also makes our body lighter.

It is recommended to go to bed before 11 o’clock every night, adding some exercise every day will make your sleep quality better.


The quality of gastrointestinal function is related to nutrition and water metabolism. The best way is to eat a moderate and balanced diet. Fatty, sweet and rich foods such as greasy, salty, and sweet are not easy to digest, and are likely to cause bloating and inflammation in the stomach. Sweets and fried foods can cause the body to produce peroxides, which can aggravate the inflammatory response.

Love to eat cold

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that raw and cold food, ice cream or cool fruits and vegetables will damage the digestion and absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract and cause exogenous pathogens Create invasion opportunities. Therefore, it should not be eaten in excess. It is best to add green onions and ginger to weaken the cold and cool properties of vegetables when cooking.

Drink a big drink

p>This is the key factor to aggravate the “dampness”. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, alcohol helps dampness. Therefore, try to touch as little alcohol as possible, and do not use alcohol to drown your sorrows.

Infrequent exercise

People who exercise little, often have heavy body, weak limbs and other manifestations of high humidity. The less you like to exercise, the easier it is to generate moisture in your body, and over time, your body may develop diseases. Appropriate exercise, such as running, walking, swimming, etc., can promote the coordinated operation of the body’s organs and accelerate the “dehumidification”.

old sitting

p> Sitting for a long time will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in reduced oxygen supply and nutrients to the brain, aggravating fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, etc. It will also cause muscle soreness, neck stiffness, headache, and dizziness.

Blow the air conditioner

Excessive greed for cold can easily damage the yang qi of the human body and allow dampness to invade the body. It is recommended that everyone pay attention to turning off the air conditioner when taking a bath in the summer, the bath water should not be too cold, and it should be dried in time after shampooing.

No ventilation

Some details of life can also lead to aggravation of moisture in the surrounding environment and the body. For example, like sitting on the floor to play, staying in a closed room for a long time, etc. It is recommended that you open the windows properly for ventilation, especially when the room is humid.

“wet evil” 7 big signals

Wake up to see how it feels

When you wake up in the morning, you still feel sleepy, your limbs are heavy, especially your calf is sore and heavy, your hands and feet are cold, and you are too lazy to move, indicating that your body is full of moisture.

Feeling while wearing

Skin always loves Rash, sometimes small herpes on hands and feet or even peeling, face and hair are always oily, sticky and uncomfortable.

Look at the stool when using the toilet

The stool often sticks to the toilet, a tank of water still cannot be flushed, and there is always a discharge The feeling of impurity indicates that there is moisture in the body.

Look at the tongue coating while washing

“The tongue is the heart The seedlings are also waiting outside the spleen.” If the tongue coating is white and thick, it looks slippery and moist, it means that there is water and dampness in the body; if the tongue coating is rough or thick, yellow and greasy, it means that there is dampness and heat in the body.

while brushing Disgusting or disgusting

Some people vomit and feel nauseous as soon as they brush their teeth. , is also a manifestation of moisture in the body.

See if you like moving or not

Wet in the body People with heavy air are mostly inactive, and at the same time, they often feel heavy and weak in limbs due to heavy humidity.

But the less you like to exercise, the more moisture will accumulate in the body, which will lead to dampness trapping the spleen and causing diseases over time.

Appetite while eating

Appetite for no reason Poor, chest and abdomen tightness, easy to diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by dampness in the spleen is not necessarily caused by germs, but caused by the disharmony of the spleen and stomach, and antibiotics are often ineffective.

Of course, these are all symptoms of severe humidity. When these symptoms appear, it is still necessary to rule out other diseases first, and ask a doctor to diagnose and then deal with it.

There are tricks to rejecting “wet”

Light food

Eat more light food, vegetables and fruits, and less Spicy foods, especially stay away from barbecued foods; eat less sweets; drink less alcohol; add protein and a small amount of lean meat; eat more foods that have the effect of removing moisture, such as barley, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, soybean sprouts, mung bean sprouts , wax gourd, papaya, white lentils, red bean.

Hyperactivity wicking

If you want to get wet gas, but also to move. Exercising and sweating is a great way to get rid of moisture. Those who are frail and have chronic diseases should do what they can.

Keep the room dry

If the home is too humid, you can buy a moisture absorption bag, a moisture absorption box or even a dehumidifier. You can also turn on the dehumidification function of the air conditioner to keep the room dry.

Make good use of anti-dampness drugs

For example, Huoxiang medicinals have the effect of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, relieving the exterior and dispelling dampness. Symptomatic use can effectively remove moisture in the body, regulate the internal environment of the human body, and restore the function to health.

Note:Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific treatment and medication! Exercise methods are carefully tried in combination with your own situation.

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