Lose weight by not eating staple food? Avoid these 10 weight loss pits, you can really lose weight

Reviewer: Wang Min (Central South University Xiangya Hospital)

Look through your new year plan

The first high probability is to lose weight

Mid-year review progress

There is a high probability of hitting the street

(Source: soogif.com)

Dream “Skinny”

Reality is always “full”

A lot of your efforts

It’s all in vain

The following 10 weight loss “pits”

I don’t know how many you have fallen into——

Myth 1


Meal replacement products can only be used as part of the normal diet, and cannot be the main character of the daily diet.

Meal replacement powder is a single or comprehensive preparation powder usually made of cereals, beans, potatoes and other ingredients. It has high fiber, low calorie and strong satiety. characteristics.

But this method of losing weight is not healthy. Meal replacement products are basically powdered things, which are very unfavorable for postprandial blood sugar control. Eating meal replacement powder for a long time may also lead to malnutrition.

Myth 2


Wrap in plastic wrap and exercise, just make you sweat, and will not increase the consumption of fat. After drinking and eating, these cells return to their original state.

This practice can cause skin problems, such as eczema and folliculitis. In addition, plastic wrap to lose weight will also increase the loss of electrolytes, which is prone to fatigue and is not good for health.

The same goes for wearing a sweat suit.

Myth 3


Restriction of calorie intake is the key to weight loss. It is not necessary to deliberately reduce carbohydrate intake (rice, steamed bread, bread, etc.).

Friends who do not eat staple foods at all will regain their weight quickly once they return to a normal diet! Because it will cause insulin resistance, the body uses fat and protein for energy, and produces more waste, increasing the burden on the body.

Myth 4


Studies have found that if the calorie intake is exactly the same, that is, the amount of meals is exactly the same, eating chili and curry does increase calorie loss and is conducive to weight control.

But don’t rush to cheer, as the chilli and curry are appetizing too. Since the chili curry has a big appetite, eating an extra bowl of rice will be counterproductive, and you will gain weight instead.

Mistake 5


Many people want to lose weight by giving up meat, eggs and milk. But in fact, if you eat too much of any food, it will turn into fat and hang on your body. Going on a vegetarian diet can actually make you hungry faster, allowing you to eat more at your next meal.

Mistake 6


Indeed, the process of eating protein food will consume calories, and it consumes much more calories than eating other foods, and the feeling of fullness is relatively strong, so it has always been favored by the weight loss industry. .

But blindly pursuing high protein will lead to insufficient intake of other nutrients. For people who rely on mental work, it will be detrimental to the blood sugar supply of the brain, and it is easy to cause physiological dysfunction.

A “high protein, low carbohydrate” diet cannot be sustained for a long time, and should not last longer than 3 months, otherwise it will harm the body.

Mistakes 7


You think too much, the role of shapewear is essentially a word – Le.

General shapewear will use elastic fabrics with very high elasticity, which will give you a small waist and let the fat flow to the chest and buttocks; once the clothes are taken off, they will come back.

What’s worse, the shapewear compresses the chest and abdomen, affecting digestion and absorption, causing breast pain.

The same is true for stovepipe socks, which can visually make the legs thinner, but they can’t be stovepipe.

Mistake 8


Liposuction surgery does not solve the problems caused by obesity, but only local shaping.

If you don’t change your living habits, passively removing part of the fat through liposuction will only be a drop in the bucket for weight loss.

In addition, liposuction surgery also has many adverse reactions, and it is not possible to do it if you want to.

Myth 9

It is rumored that women lose a lot of blood during the menstrual period, hurt their vitality, and consume a lot of body, so their metabolism is accelerated, and they will not gain weight if they eat more. A poignant but real answer: Women normally gain weight during their periods, not to mention those extra calories [1].

Myth 10


Eating too little fat will cause constipation and affect the speed of weight loss, so there is no need to cook vegetables every day.

Eating meat in moderation (such as 280-525 grams of aquatic products and 280-525 grams of livestock and poultry meat per week, etc.) will not affect weight loss.

One ​​weight loss is as deep as the sea

From now on IQ is a passerby

Said so much

I just want you to understand

Dream of losing weight overnight is the same as getting rich overnight

Not reliable

Eat less and walk more

It really works better than anything!


The Effect of Relaxation on Premenstrual Syndrome in Dormitory Students of Azad Tonekabon University of Iran[J]. Procedia Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2013, 84:1580-1584.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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