Half of the test-tube baby’s husband died, the court ruled: the hospital continued to operate on his wife | Lilac Morning Reading

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Shanghai: In principle, personnel in Shanghai “do not leave Shanghai unless necessary”

Shanghai issued a notice on May 18: According to the “spill prevention” requirements for epidemic prevention and control, in principle, personnel in Shanghai “do not leave Shanghai unless necessary.” For those who really need to drive a motor vehicle to leave Shanghai for work, study, life, etc., they can apply to the relevant units under the premise of meeting the epidemic prevention and control regulations.

Photo source: Police and civilians through train Shanghai

The relevant unit will issue a certificate of leaving Shanghai after verification. The Shanghai departure certificate is valid within 6 hours from the time of declaration to departure. It is strictly forbidden to hide and carry undocumented personnel, illegal operations and other illegal activities. (Source: Police-Public Express Shanghai)

In vitro fertilization completed half of husband’s death, court ruling: hospital continues to operate on wife

Recently, the People’s Court of Kaifu District, Changsha City concluded a medical service contract dispute case concerning artificial assisted reproduction.

The husband of a plaintiff woman unfortunately passed away at work, and the woman went to the hospital alone to request the implantation of the previously produced frozen embryos.

Source: Changsha Kaifu Court

The court held that “prohibiting the implementation of human assisted reproductive technology on single women” should be formulated to prevent single women from evading marriage and family responsibilities by implementing assisted reproductive technology, “Single women” in the regulations shall refer to unmarried women.

Preliminary examination and embryo cultivation were carried out by the plaintiff and her husband together, and the embryo that was finally transferred into the woman’s body was also the embryo whose egg was combined with her husband’s sperm. The court then ruled that the defendant, a maternal and child health hospital, continued to perform embryo transfer operations for the woman. (Source: Changsha Kaifu Court)

Guang’an, Sichuan: 48+148 new cases of new crown infection were added on the 17th

From 0:00 to 24:00 on May 17, Guang’an, Sichuan added 48 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (all in Linshui County), and 148 new local asymptomatic infections (neighborhood). 147 cases in Shui County and 1 case in Guang’an District).

Photo source: Health Guang’an

As of 24:00 on May 17th, Guang’an City has a total of 3 medium-risk areas, all of which are in Linshui County. (Source: Health Guang’an)

Tianjin: Multiple districts prohibit unvaccinated people from entering elderly activity centers and other places

On May 16, several districts in Tianjin issued notices: Aged care institutions, home-based care service centers, nursing homes and other key groups of people are centrally managed units, and all non-taboo personnel should be picked up.

Source: Tianjin Hexi

Senior colleges (schools), cultural centers, sports venues, senior activity centers, grassroots senior associations and other key personnel gathering places, the implementation of “health code” and “vaccination code” two-code joint inspection is not taboo Unvaccinated personnel are strictly controlled to enter. (Source: Tianjin Hexi, Hemei Nankai, Tianjin Xiqing)

Mudanjiang Medical College applied for a name change, and it has been included in the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the establishment of colleges and universities in Heilongjiang

A few days ago, some netizens asked on the “Leadership Message Board” of People’s Daily Online, whether Mudanjiang Medical College has a plan to change its name, and how long it is expected to be successful.

Image source: People’s Daily Online “Leadership Message Board”

On May 17, Mudanjiang Medical College replied to this, and the People’s Government of Heilongjiang Province sent a special letter in January 2021 to the Ministry of Education for approval, and it has now been included in the “14th Five-Year Plan” of Heilongjiang Province’s colleges and universities. “Planned and reported to the Ministry of Education for the record. Affected by factors such as the epidemic, the Ministry of Education’s name change has not yet started. (Source: People’s Daily Online “Leadership Message Board”)

The former executive director of Yueqing Fifth People’s Hospital was expelled from the party and from public office

On May 16, Yueqing issued a notice: Recently, the Yueqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Supervision Commission issued a statement to the former executive director of Yueqing No. The former president Li Jiatian conducted a disciplinary review and supervision investigation on serious violations of discipline and law.

Photo source: Incorruptible Yueqing

After investigation, it was found that Li Jiatian had given gifts that were obviously beyond the normal gifts to those engaged in official business. After deliberation at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to give Li Jiatian the punishment of expulsion from the party and public office; The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law. (Source: Incorruptible Yueqing)

227 new local confirmed cases in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions on the 17th

From 0 to 24:00 on May 17, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 240 new confirmed cases. Among them, there are 227 local cases (96 in Shanghai, 52 in Beijing, 49 in Sichuan, 16 in Tianjin, 9 in Jilin, 3 in Henan, 1 in Jiangsu, and 1 in Qinghai), including 79 who were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases. Cases (56 in Shanghai, 10 in Tianjin, 9 in Beijing, 2 in Sichuan, 1 in Jilin, and 1 in Henan). 3 new deaths, all local cases, in Shanghai. (Source: National Health Commission)

Issue 833Lilac Early Reading ends here

Planning: Tang Yuan

The source of the title map: Zhanku Hailuo