[Health and Wellness] Take good care of these 8 kinds of “lubricants” in the human body, and maintain a good body!

The content is synthesized from China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, Life Times, etc.

Editor’s note

They are the “water of life” that the human body operates, and play an important role in metabolism, detoxification, etc. effect. The doctor teaches you to take care of the 8 “lubricants” in your body so that they do not affect your health.


The liver opens to the eyes, and tears are secreted by the eyes, so it is called the liquid of the liver. Excessive use of the eyes for a long time and staying up late will damage the liver blood, causing insufficient liver blood, inflammation of the virtual fire, etc., resulting in dry eyes, itching and other symptoms. In addition, tears also help people to vent their painful emotions and help people sleep.


Under normal circumstances, sweating is actually a protection A normal physiological phenomenon of the human body. Through sweating, the human body can expel excess water and dispel heat and evil, thus achieving the balance of yin and yang in the body. Such as hot weather, strenuous activity, drinking hot water or eating spicy food, etc., the sweat pores will open, and the sweat will increase in time to release heat to protect the human body. Sweat is reduced, so as not to damage the yang.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if you sweat frequently during the day, it is called spontaneous sweating. or accompanied by symptoms such as chills. If you sweat during sleep and stop after waking up, or even soak your clothes and quilt, it is called night sweats, and it is mostly caused by yin deficiency. Often accompanied by hot hands and feet, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, red cheeks and other symptoms.


Chinese medicine believes that saliva can “moisten the five senses” , pleasant skin, strong teeth, strong muscles and bones, ventilation and blood, prolong life.” Laozi in the Spring and Autumn Period believed that although the panacea was good, it was not as important as one’s own body fluids. Tao Hongjing, an ancient health-preserving expert, also said: “Eating Jade Spring can prolong life and eliminate all kinds of diseases.”

The saliva is transformed by the spleen and kidney, the kidney is the innate foundation of the human body, and the spleen is the acquired nature of the human body. Basically, the spleen and stomach are rich in the essence of the five internal organs and the splendor of qi and blood, so saliva contains many substances that are beneficial to human health and longevity, and has a special effect on health care. Ancient physicians once believed that people with full saliva must have a strong physique, and judge the disease status according to the rise and fall of saliva.


Normal urine is a clear light yellow liquid. When the color of urine changes suddenly, it may be an early warning of disease.

Red: There may be excess red blood cells in the urine, mostly caused by kidney disease, calculi, bladder tumors, etc.

White: The color is similar to milk, indicating that there is chyle in the urine. From filariasis or blockage of lymphatic vessels.

Yellowish: Some medicines can make urine yellowish; urine that is too yellow often indicates liver and gallbladder disease.


snot Under normal circumstances, it is colorless and transparent, and has the effect of moisturizing the nose, keeping it open, and ensuring the normal function of breathing and smell. Chinese medicine believes that when the lungs open in the nose, the body fluids in the lungs are filled, and when the orifices come out of the nose, mucus is produced. When the function of the lungs is normal, the nasal mucus moistens the nose and does not flow out. If the lungs feel external pathogens, there will be abnormal conditions such as runny nose and yellow nose.

For a cold, you can preliminarily judge whether it is feeling wind-cold or wind-heat by observing the color of the nasal mucus, and prescribe the prescription to promote the early elimination of the symptoms of the cold. When the external cold pathogen damages the lungs, it is easy to cause wind-cold and cold, and then there will be a cool and clear nasal discharge; if it is a wind-heat cold, a warm yellow nasal discharge will flow out.


Semen quality is the cornerstone for assessing male fertility , normal male semen is gray or slightly khaki. If the color changes, it may be caused by some disease and needs medical attention.

Yellow semen: The longer the abstinence is, the more yellow the semen will be.

Milky white: Indicates inflammation in the reproductive tract, possibly a purulent infection of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Red: Mostly caused by inflammation, but reproductive system tumors can also cause reddish semen.


Blood, that is, blood, is a red liquid substance that runs in the meridians and circulates throughout the body, with nourishing and moisturizing effects. If the blood power is insufficient, the blood “supply” cannot keep up. It will lead to health problems. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology of blood diseases is closely related to the six evils, epidemic toxins, emotions, physical fitness, diet and daily life, labor injuries, etc., and its pathogenesis is nothing more than Deficiency, blood stasis, and heat toxin are intertwined, and each other Insufficient blood, often limb weakness, memory loss, and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.


Digestive juice refers to the liquid secreted by the digestive organs to assist digestion, including gastric juice, pancreatic juice, Bile etc. It can effectively promote digestion and maintain the nutrients needed by the human body.

Stomach acid: Indiscriminate use of certain drugs can inhibit the secretion of gastric acid, which can cause cancer in the long run.

Intestinal fluid: gluttony of cold and cold foods can easily lead to loss of intestinal fluid.

Bile: Absence of breakfast for a long time can cause long-term storage of bile and cause gallstones.

Editor: Wang Di

Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine