Does adapalene gel for acne contain hormones?


The main ingredient in Adapalene Gel is Adapalene, a third-generation retinoid drug with retinoid activity and anti-inflammatory properties. Adapalene gel has been listed as the first-line drug of choice in acne treatment guidelines.

Picture source: ZCOOLO Plus

Adapalene gel is specifically indicated for the skin treatment of acne vulgaris, which typically presents as pimples (including blackheads and whiteheads), papules (superficial bumps less than 1 cm in diameter) skin lesions) and pustules, and can also be used to treat acne on the face, chest, and back. Among them, its therapeutic effect on acne is relatively more obvious.

But it has certain photosensitivity and is irritating to the skin. It is recommended to apply it to acne at night to avoid applying it to healthy skin.


Yan Xiaohan, Dermatologist

Review Specialist

Li Jin Attending Dermatology Physician


Planning: Monkey Pigeon | Producer: BruceLi

Typesetting: Yanxi

Cover image source: Dr. Lilac Content Team