Huimin Insurance solves troubles, New District Women’s Federation is our intimate “maternal family”

Apprentice reporter Hu Yunhan correspondent Zhang Jun

On May 16, Ms. Du and Ms. Yao from Cuiyuan Village, Shiqiao Town, Taibai Lake New District, delivered a pennant to Taibai In the hands of the staff of the Women’s Federation of Huxin District, “I would like to thank the Women’s Federation for your assistance, which not only eased our financial burden, but also gave us confidence to overcome the disease.”

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Unfortunately, the burden of cancer is heavy

Huimin Insurance solves troubles

After Ms. Du was diagnosed with breast cancer After a long period of chemotherapy, she entered the recovery period. “It cost 80,000 to 90,000 yuan before and after. Our family situation can’t bear this blow.” The 54-year-old Ms. Du and her husband have no stable source of income and can only rely on odd jobs to maintain livelihood. Cancer was a bolt from the blue for this poor family.

After learning about Ms. Du’s situation, Shiqiao Town Women’s Federation reported it to the District Women’s Federation. Afterwards, the staff of the District Women’s Federation contacted China Life Insurance Company, which is in charge of “Women’s Ankang Insurance”, for compensation. It turned out that after Ms. Du had already purchased an health insurance funded by the government for her, and the insurance company conducted an investigation and verification, within a week, the 50,000 yuan compensation was delivered to Ms. Du for this poor family. new hope.

After being reimbursed by various insurances, Ms. Du has still paid more than 10,000 yuan, “50,000 yuan may not be a big deal for the rich, but for our family, It will take many years to save.” Ms. Du’s husband said excitedly that the compensation not only gave Ms. Du the confidence to overcome the disease, but also removed a stone that weighed on her heart.

Purchasing specific medical and health insurance for women with family difficulties is a livelihood project. The same experience happened to Ms. Yao in the same village. As their “maternal family”, the Town and Village Women’s Federation followed up the whole process from learning about the illness to recovering and recuperating, and prepared materials for their “running errands” for women’s health insurance to solve their actual situation. Difficulties and worries.

Be prepared for a rainy day

Remove the “stone”< /p>

From 2020, Taibai Lake New District will include women’s health insurance into the “Ten Practical Things to Do for the People”, and buy a health insurance for each woman from poverty-stricken households aged 18-60 in the district. Women who purchase insurance with their household registration will receive a subsidy of 20 yuan per person. During the insurance period, if the insured woman unfortunately suffers from diseases such as primary breast cancer, primary ovarian cancer, primary endometrial cancer, primary cervical cancer, etc., she can receive insurance benefits ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 yuan. .

In 2020, there will be 2,339 women’s health insurance purchases in Taibai Lake New Area, of which 618 are from poverty-stricken households; people. From 2020 to 2021, the total insurance premium for family well-being insurance is 701,190 yuan, and Taibai Lake New Area accident insurance pays a total of 35 people with increased illness, with a compensation amount of 623,850 yuan. Currently, 2022 Women’s Health Insurance is being purchased.

“As the ‘family’ of women, the Women’s Federation has always been concerned about the health status of the majority of women. This year, in accordance with the requirements of ‘two cancers’ relief for women in difficulty, we will do a good job in investigation and distribution of relief funds. I hope to help them build up the confidence and courage to overcome the disease.” Bai Shufang, vice chairman of the Taibai Lake New District Women’s Federation, introduced.

Next, the Taibai Lake New District Women’s Federation will work with the City Life Insurance Company to continue to promote the women’s well-being project, spread the concept of health, and guide all sectors of society and women to enhance their awareness of health protection.