Can children eat ice cream? Will eating too much really cause diarrhea?

Hot weather, eat ice cream, drink an ice drink, how comfortable it is. But if you have a baby at home, you have to eat a piece of ice cream secretly, for fear that the child will eat it if he sees it, or that the child will have diarrhea after eating “cold” things.

But is the child’s diarrhea really caused by eating ice cream?

In our traditional concept, eating “cold” food into the stomach will cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

That’s why we always hear people say that iced watermelon has just been taken out of the refrigerator, so it should be put for a while before giving it to the child; yogurt taken out of the refrigerator should be warmed before giving it to the child Eat; ice cream should not be eaten by children, it is best not to eat…

This obviously equates cold food with a stomach ache when, in fact, the child has a stomach ache after eating ice. Diarrhea has little to do with “coldness” itself. The most fundamental cause of gastrointestinal symptoms or vomiting and diarrhea is the invasion of pathogens.

The main causes of acute infectious diarrhea include viral, bacterial, and protozoal infections, such as:

The main viruses are norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, etc.;

Bacteria mainly include Salmonella, Campylobacter, etc.;

Protozoa mainly include Cryptosporidium, Giardia and so on.

Eating cold food is not one of the factors that cause infectious diarrhea, so it is not true that eating ice cream will cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Then why would someone have diarrhea after eating something cold?

In fact, this is related to the previous living environment and medical conditions. In the past when medical conditions were backward, a small cold or a simple diarrhea may kill a person.

Because we didn’t have a complete water purification system at that time, when people didn’t boil the water or wash the food they eat, it is very likely to allow pathogens to invade, infect intestinal diseases, and cause diarrhea.

In fact, behind the notion of eating cold food and having diarrhea, reflects poor hygiene and fears of death and disease in the past.

It can be seen that whether the food is cold or hot is not the cause of diseases such as diarrhea, but whether the food is clean and hygienic is the key. Therefore, whether it is ice water, ice fruit, or ice cream, as long as it is clean, it can be eaten directly by children, and there is no taboo.

In addition, the production process of ice cream is actually very strict. According to the national standard of the People’s Republic of China “GB2759-2015”, frozen drinks and preparation materials must be produced by sterilization and aseptic filling process. , should meet the requirements of commercial sterility.

So if it is a complete ice cream produced by a regular manufacturer, from the factory to the consumer, as long as the storage and cold chain transportation environment is guaranteed, it will generally not cause infectious diarrhea. .

If the child has stomach ache and diarrhea every time he eats ice cream, then we need to check whether the child is allergic to milk protein or lactose intolerance. In this case, the child cannot eat ice cream.

If the child has recently experienced abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by non-infectious reasons, and the symptoms are aggravated by eating ice cream, they need to be alert to whether it is irritable bowel syndrome. It is best to consult a doctor


Seeing this, parents think that they can safely give their children ice cream? Rest assured that you can eat with confidence, but you must control the amount.

We can see from the ingredient list of ice cream that in addition to milk and flavorings, ice cream also contains sugar, salt, etc., and the calories are amazing.

We know that drinking sugary cola regularly can make you fat. If you compare the calories of ice cream with the calories of cola, the average calorie of a single ice cream is 678kJ, and the calories of a can of sugary cola (330ml) is 594kJ. That is, an ice creamThe drizzle has more calories than a can of sugary Coke.

So our advice for kids eating ice cream is:

Taste: Cone ice cream has higher average calories than single ice cream, which may be related to an extra waffle cone. If you are worried about gaining weight, try to buy single-pack, non-chocolate crispy flavors. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you taste it once or twice, but it is not recommended as a flavor of frequent choice.

Age recommendation: It’s best to wait until your baby is at least 2 years old before trying ice cream, but ice cream is high in sugar and has a risk of tooth decay, even if 2 Don’t eat too much after age.

Scheduling suggestion: Try not to feed your baby before three meals, because the satiety brought by sweets will affect the baby’s eating of the main meal and reduce the consumption of other nutrients. Intake, so it is more appropriate to eat in the middle of two meals, such as 10 am or 3-4 pm.

Of course, it is not recommended that parents often take the initiative to buy ice cream for their babies. Parents can try to use low-fat milk or sugar-free yogurt with fruit to make ice cream for their children, but pay attention to hygiene issues.

Finally, what we want to say is, cultivate healthy eating habits in children from an early age, and try to drink less beverages and eat less sweets, so as to help children grow up healthily.

Summer isn’t complete without ice cream, so it’s okay to let the kids eat it once in a while, and even better if you can make it at home.