Huoxiangzhengqi water / liquid, expectorant cough / cough and expectorant granules… The drug names are similar, but the application is very different! A detailed explanation

Huoxiangzhengqi Water & Huoxiangzhengqi Liquid

Similar points:The ingredients of Huoxiangzhengqi Water and Huoxiangzhengqi are Atractylodes, tangerine peel, Magnolia officinalis, Angelica dahurica, Poria, Dabelpi, raw Pinellia, Licorice Extract, Patchouli Oil and Perilla Leaf Oil. Therefore, the indications and effects of the two are similar. They are both to relieve external dampness, regulate qi and harmonize the middle, and are used for colds caused by exogenous wind-cold, internal injury and dampness stagnation or summer injury and summer dampness.

All are liquid preparations.

Differences: The biggest difference between the two is that Huoxiangzhengqi water contains ethanol, while Huoxiangzhengqi liquid does not contain ethanol.

The prescription dosage of Huoxiangzhengqi water is almost twice that of Huoxiangzhengqi liquid, and the active ingredients of the medicine are high.

< span>Expectant Zhike Granules & Zhike Qutan Granules

Expectant Zhike GranulesThe main ingredients are Codonopsis pilosula, Pinellia sinensis, Coriander (vinegar), Gansui (vinegar), Rhododendron violet, alum. The main functions are to invigorate the spleen and dry dampness, expel phlegm and relieve cough. Mainly used for chronic bronchitis and bronchitis combined with emphysema, pulmonary heart disease caused by excessive phlegm, cough, wheezing and other symptoms.

Cough and Expectorant GranulesIn addition to Platycodon grandiflorum, Bai Bu, and bitter almond, it also contains ephedrine hydrochloride. The main function is to moisten the lungs and dispel phlegm, relieve cough and relieve asthma. For colds, coughs and asthma. Expectant and Zhike Granules Coriander and kansui have the effect of diarrhea and drinking. They cannot be taken together with licorice (be careful that customers take licorice tablets at the same time), And they are all toxic Chinese herbal medicines, can not be taken in large quantities or for a long time, pregnant women are prohibited.

Differences:Comparatively speaking, the ingredients of Cough and Expectorant Granules are safe Some, but due to the addition of ephedrine hydrochloride. Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients with hypertension, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, and hyperthyroidism, pregnant women and lactating women, and patients with heart disease and athletes.

Xiaoer Huatan Zhike Granules & Xiaoer Xuanfei Zhike Granules

Children Huatan Zhike Granules

The main ingredients are: Platycodon grandiflorum extract, Morus alba extract Cream, ipecac tincture, ephedrine hydrochloride.

The bellflower in Fangzhong is spicy and bitter. Returning to the Lung Meridian, it has the effect of dispersing the lung and eliminating phlegm. Mulberry white skin is sweet and cold. Returning to the Lung Meridian, it has a very good effect on lung heat, cough and phlegm. Ephedrine hydrochloride can excite sympathetic nerves, can be used for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, hay fever and other allergic diseases.

The combination of various medicines is very suitable for children with cough and phlegm. It should be noted that patients with hypertension, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, hyperthyroidism, etc. are contraindicated; it should not be used together with sulfadiazine and nitrofurantoin.

Children Xuanfei Zhike Granules

The main ingredients are: : Ephedra, skullcap, parsnip, platycodon, almond, licorice, mustard, yam.

In the prescription, the monarch medicine ephedra has a good effect of dispersing wind-cold and relieving external appearance. Ephedrine volatile oil has a sweating effect and can also inhibit the influenza virus. Scutellaria baicalensis water extract has different degrees of inhibitory effect on various bacilli such as pneumococcus. The official medicine Fangfeng, Southwest Scutellaria baicalensis assists the monarch medicine to expel wind and resolve the exterior, anti-virus, and treat influenza. The adjuvant Platycodon grandiflorum and almonds reduce qi and resolve phlegm, disperse the lungs and relieve asthma. So that the medicines in the licorice prescription can be directly delivered to the hospital, so that the children can quickly recover to health.

Therefore, for Children with exogenous cough, cough due to phlegm heat and lung obstruction, phlegm is thick, sputum is yellow and sticky, and cough is unpleasant

span>, it is most suitable to use Xiaoer Xuanfei Zhike Granules.

Differences:The biggest difference between the two medicines is that the children’s Huatan Zhike Granules are only suitable for coughing with excessive phlegm, while the children’s Xuanfei Zhike Granules are used in The treatment of children with exogenous cough and excessive phlegm also has the functions of dispelling the lungs, relieving the surface, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiviral.

Ginseng Guipi Pills & Ginseng Jianpi Pills

Ginseng Jianpi PillsThe main ingredients are ginseng, fried Atractylodes, Poria, Chinese yam, tangerine peel, Muxiang, Amomum, Zhi Huangqi, Angelica , Sour jujube kernel, Polygala. The main function is to invigorate the spleen and replenish qi, and relieve the stomach and stop diarrhea. It is used for food insufficiency, stuffy and noisy stomach, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and loose stools, inability to eat, and fatigue due to weak spleen and stomach.

Ginseng Guipi PillsThe main ingredients are ginseng, fried Atractylodes, Poria, Licorice, Astragalus, Angelica, Wood Fragrant, Polygala, Longan Meat, Suan Zao Ren. The main function is to nourish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and nourish the heart. It is used for palpitations, palpitations, insomnia and forgetfulness caused by deficiency of both heart and spleen, insufficiency of qi and blood, insomnia and forgetfulness, lack of appetite and fatigue, pale complexion and blood in the stool, metrorrhagia and dyslexia caused by spleen not controlling blood.

Differences:Ginseng Jianpi Pills mainly invigorate the spleen and replenish qi, so it is suitable for people with poor spleen and stomach functions;

The Ginseng Guipi Pill focuses on nourishing Qi and blood, so it is more suitable for people with insomnia and gynecological diseases.

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