When these 4 vegetables sprout, the nutrition doubles! But these are really poisonous

As food, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, sprouting has something to do with them.

Sweet potatoes that have been left for a long time will sprout; ginger, onions, and garlic that have been bought for a few days will sprout and “grow strong”, which is really frustrating.

Some people can’t remember which sprouted food can be eaten and which can’t be eaten, so they all eat it in Buddhism;

Good food is worrying about eating, and it is a pity to abandon it, so can sprouted food be eaten? Let’s do a kitchen quest today.


As a well-known food on the “Sprouted Food Toxic List”, it is almost a household name.

And this “killer” is the solanine in potatoes. The content of solanine in normal potatoes is very low and will not pose a threat to the human body. will increase in large numbers, becoming a “toxic” killer that cannot be removed even by heating.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

You should also pay attention to green potatoes, as potatoes are actually cuckolding, which is also a signal of increased solanine.

Solanine is mainly distributed on the green epidermis. If the green part of the epidermis is small, it is still edible if the surface is cut off. But you must know that if you eat 200mg of solanine at one time (about 50g of potatoes that have turned green and sprouted) [1], poisoning may occur.

If you can’t judge the degree of sprouting and greening of the potatoes, it is recommended to throw them away, which is not a pity.

Storage tips:

Potatoes are best stored in a low temperature (about 4°C)[2] and a place protected from light, such as a refrigerator.

A small amount of potatoes can also be placed with apples and bananas. The ethylene gas released by mature fruits can effectively inhibit the germination rate of potatoes [3].

Onion Ginger Garlic

As one of the regular condiments in life, onion, ginger and garlic are always in the corner of the kitchen. Once you forget them, they will change their ways to sprout.

However, for this spicy condiment, sprouting generally does not produce toxins and does not affect continued consumption. However, the nutrition will be “discounted” and the taste will be worse, because the newly grown buds absorb their original nutrients, the ingredients will become shriveled and the taste will become weaker.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Sprouting onions and garlic may bring surprises to your ingredient library, such as finding a pot to keep them, and you may soon eat your own “green onions” (actually It’s onion sprouts, not green onions) and garlic sprouts.

Storage tips:

Ginger can be wrapped in plastic wrap and kept in the refrigerator[4].

Note: Do not eat rotten ginger, rotten ginger will produce a large amount of highly toxic safrole, which can cause degeneration and necrosis of liver cells, and induce liver cancer and esophageal cancer. The argument that “rotten ginger doesn’t taste bad” is unscientific.

Garlic can be placed in a mesh bag and hung in a cool and ventilated place[5].

Sweet Potato Taro Yam

These are all potatoes, and the germination process does not produce any harmful ingredients. Otherwise, how could the sweet potato leaves and taro seedlings be served on the table?

However, the germination of these potatoes is the same as the germination of ginger and garlic. During the process, a large amount of nutrients and water will be lost, and the taste will also change.will get worse.

It should be noted that carefully inspected before eating, sprouted sweet potatoes may be mildewed and produce toxins such as sweet potato ketone, sweet potato ketone alcohol, etc. If the skin is brown, has black spots or any other If there are signs of mildew, it is recommended to throw it away.

Storage tips:

In the carton, separate the small spaces with dry paper, and then put the sweet potatoes in the small compartments of the carton.

Taro and yam are suitable for dry, cool and ventilated places.

cabbage, small rape, radish, carrot

The sprouting of these vegetables will not produce toxic substances, but just like onion and garlic, the taste and nutritional value are slightly worse.

When you see cabbage roots, radish heads, etc. turned into cute little potted plants on the Internet, are you also eager to move?

Indeed, as long as these vegetables have the right conditions, they will “think about it”. If you don’t want to eat and waste, it’s also good to turn them into eye-catching little green plants.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


In recent years, peanut sprouting has become very popular as a new favorite of sprouts.

Peanut sprouts significantly increased vitamin C[6], and the content of resveratrol and other antioxidant substances also increased[7]. In this way, peanut sprouts are a good choice as an ingredient.

But even so, sprouting your own peanuts is not recommended.

Self-stored peanuts sprouted out of nowhere, mostly because the shell of the peanuts has been damaged, and the environment in which the peanuts germinate is likely to be a breeding ground for molds. This increases the chance of contracting aflatoxins (group I carcinogens).

Therefore, once you realize that it is “not very good”, it is recommended to throw away the sprouted peanuts at home. If you really want to eat peanut sprouts, you should go to the supermarket or vegetable market to buy them.

Soy beans, mung beans, peas

These common beans are excellent ingredients in themselves; and the sprouts turned into sprouts after sprouting have higher nutritional value.

Take soybean sprouts as an example. Compared with soybeans, bean sprouts have lower fat and reducing sugars, and higher content of vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin and isoflavones. [8].

In addition, after the bean sprouts, part of the protein will be decomposed into various amino acids needed by the human body. Sprouts are more delicious and delicate, and are more suitable for people with poor digestion.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

And pea shoots are “excellent show”, the sprouted pea carotene (2700 micrograms / 100 grams) is more than the fruits and vegetables we often eat (usually 100 micrograms / 100 grams) below) by a factor of 27 [6].

However, these sprouts, like peanuts, must be made safe to avoid mildew.

Whether sprouted food can be eaten, I have helped everyone to figure it out today. I hope everyone eats delicious, healthy and safe!

Reviewer: Zuo Xiaoxia|Director of the Department of Nutrition, Eighth Medical Center, PLA General Hospital


[1]Dong Xiaoru,Shen Min,Liu Wei. Research progress on solanine poisoning and detection[J].China Judicial Appraisal, 2013(02):39-45.

[2] Liu Chenghui, Hu Wenzhong, Jiang Aili, et al. Physiological and biochemical changes of fresh-cut potatoes at different storage temperatures [J]. Food and Machinery, 2008(02):43-47 .

[3] Tian Shilong, Ge Xia, Li Shouqiang, et al. Application of ethylene in inhibiting potato germination: CN.

[4]Wang Shoujing, Feng Shuangqing, Yu Zihou, et al. Study on Ginger Irradiation Inhibiting Germination and Storage Technology [J]. Journal of Nuclear Agriculture, 2003, 017(002):115-118.

[5]Sun Yi, Wei Jinfeng. Storage principle and preservation technology of garlic[J]. Food Industry Science and Technology, 1989, 000(003):34-37.

[6] Standard Edition of Chinese Food Composition Table (6th Edition) [M]. Peking University Medical Press, 2018.

[7] Yang Zhen, Wang Yajie, Xing Pengrui, et al. Direct determination of resveratrol content in different parts of peanut buds by three-dimensional fluorescence method [J]. Journal of Taishan Medical College.

[8]Li Yang. Nutritional evaluation and product development of sprouted soybean[D]. Harbin University of Commerce, 2010.

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