‘Acid-lowering champion’ found, not radish, nephrologist: stick to it, gout or ‘disappeared’

“No doctor, how could I suffer from such a serious disease at such a young age? Is it a misdiagnosis? I don’t usually smoke or drink.” A man in the consultation room asked the doctor anxiously.

This man with a worried face is Xiao Ming. He worked as an engineer in an electronics factory. He didn’t go to school after graduating from high school, but came to work in this electronics factory. I don’t understand that the engineers up to now are all earned by Xiao Ming’s hard work step by step. The salary and conditions are now several times higher than when he first came. Xiao Ming has already bought a house in the city, just when Xiao Ming is looking forward to the future. At that time, an accident happened to Xiao Ming.

Some time ago, Xiao Ming found that his ankle was always swollen. At that time, Xiao Ming didn’t pay much attention to it, but Xiao Ming didn’t expect it. Yes, the edema is getting worse and worse, and Xiaoming sometimes feels faint pain in his knee when he sleeps at night. Xiaoming feels inexplicable and decides to go to the hospital for a checkup on weekends, but what Xiaoming didn’t expect was himself. Went to the hospital early.

This night, Xiao Ming had a dinner with his friends. It was already midnight when Xiao Ming got home. After arriving home, Xiao Ming went to sleep directly, but Xiao Ming, who just fell asleep, was hit by a severe pain. When he woke up, Xiao Ming found that his knee was swollen, and the pain continued to stimulate Xiao Ming’s brain. Xiao Ming quickly put on his clothes and went to the hospital to check his body.

After the results came out, Xiao Ming was completely confused. Xiao Ming never thought that he would suffer from acute gout. The uric acid in his body has reached 880μmol/L. A lot of joint crystals were precipitated, and a large number of crystals accumulated in Xiaoming’s knees, which caused acute gout, resulting in a late-night gout attack.

Doctor: Confused, this “one thing” can be called “the king of purines,” don’t eat it as soon as possible

I learned later that Xiaoming was sick and had a bad time. Xiaoming’s diet has a lot to do with it. Xiaoming’s eating habits are not very good. Xiaoming has a strong taste in eating. He especially likes to eat oil. Every time he cooks, he will add a lot of oil. harm.

The purine component contained in oyster sauce is relatively high in condiments, and purine is the main reason for the increase of uric acid in the body. The accumulation of purines in the body for a long time will be converted into uric acid, and the accumulation of uric acid will easily precipitate uric acid crystals, which will cause greater damage to joints and kidneys.

Don’t want to accumulate uric acid in the body, it is recommended to eat less of the following foods

1. Peanuts

Kitchen Peanuts are often seen in Chinese food. Whether it is a snack or a snack, they are more delicious, and they are also rich in protein. However, eating too many peanuts will lead to the increase of uric acid. The reason is the purine in peanuts. After entering the human body, the purines in peanuts will be converted into uric acid for metabolism. Once the excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body will bring serious damage to the kidneys and joints. damage.

2. Asparagus

Asparagus is also a vegetable that many people like to eat, and the taste is very crisp Tender, but don’t blindly covet its deliciousness, because eating too much asparagus will also cause great harm to the body. The purine content in asparagus is also relatively high. If you eat too much, it will easily lead to the increase of uric acid in the body. Many people know that the high consequences are suffering from gout, and in severe cases, it will bring greater damage to the kidneys.