All diseases are caused by phlegm! Simple four herbs, dredging meridians, strengthening the spleen and stomach, swept away phlegm and dampness in the body!

The main purpose of our use of hypoglycemic drugs is to control blood sugar to the standard and reduce the occurrence of chronic complications. Today, I will share with my friends a drug Xiaoke Pill for the treatment of diabetes.

Xiaoke Pills are based on the Xiaoke prescription of the famous doctor Zhu Danxi in the Yuan Dynasty and the Yuquan Powder of the famous doctor Ye Tianshi of the Qing Dynasty as the basic formula. The main ingredients are pueraria, rehmannia, astragalus, trichosanthin, corn silk, schisandra, and yam. In the recipe, Pueraria lobata and Rehmannia glutinosa can produce body fluid and quench thirst, nourish the kidney and nourish yin; Astragalus can nourish Qi and raise Yang; Chinese yam can nourish the spleen, nourish the kidney and nourish yin; Trichosanthes can clear away heat and purify fire, generate body fluid and quench thirst; Corn silk clears heat, diuresis and swelling. The whole formula has the effect of nourishing the kidney and nourishing yin, nourishing qi and producing body fluid. It can effectively improve the symptoms of qi and yin deficiency such as polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, fatigue and weight loss in diabetic patients.

It should be noted that Xiaoke Pill is not a pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation in the strict sense, and the traditional Chinese medicine ingredients in it can only play an auxiliary treatment role , What can really lower blood sugar is the western medicine glyburide. Although glyburide has a strong and long-lasting hypoglycemic effect, the side effects are very large, and it is easy to cause hypoglycemia, so doctors generally do not recommend using it now. So what should you pay attention to when taking Xiaoke Pills?

First, under the guidance of a doctor, start with a small dose according to the condition, and then adjust the medication according to the blood sugar situation, but the dosage should not exceed 10 pills each time, and no more than 30 pills per day. After the curative effect is satisfied, gradually reduce the dosage or the frequency of taking.

Erxiaoke Pill is combined with allopurinol, cimetidine, ranitidine, chloramphenicol, miconazole, aspirin, warfarin, fibrates and other lipid-lowering drugs. Concomitant use of sugar drugs may increase the risk of hypoglycemia; co-administration with methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, estrogen, hydrochlorothiazide, phenytoin, rifampin and other drugs will increase the risk of hyperglycemia, so it needs to be adjusted when using Dosage of medication.

Third, when used in combination with metoprolol and propranolol, it will interfere with the body’s hyperglycemic response during hypoglycemia, hinder hepatic glycolysis, and mask the alert symptoms of hypoglycemia. In addition, Xiaoke Pills can also antagonize the insulin secretion-stimulating effect of sulfonylureas, which leads to the occurrence of hyperglycemia.

4The elderly over 65 years old, pregnant women and lactating women should not use.

May 1 diabetes patients, liver and kidney insufficiency, allergic to sulfonamides, leukopenia, type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis, Coma, severe burn infection, severe trauma and major surgery are prohibited.

The blood glucose, urine glucose, urine ketones, urine protein, liver and kidney function, blood picture and ophthalmological examination should be monitored regularly during the six medication periods.